Lex Luthor/OC (Princess or Demi God

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What if OC is an actual princess from Greece who is coming to smallville in the middle or end of the episode Heat to get an experience of attending an American high school education for her last year in school or she can come early and start in season one which could lead her to have a friendship with Lex before they get together

OC can be second or third in line to the throne so when she decides to stay with Lex

She is 16 going on 17 in season 1
She is also 17 going on 18 in season 2
You can decide her name and what she looks like
She takes Helen's place but doesn't try to kill Lex or take a bribe from Lionel as she has her own money
Lex will not get together with Lana Lang or Helen
Lex and OC won't cheat on each other
Lex and OC will know that each one of them has secrets and know they will tell each other when the time is right
Lionel is the bad guy

I want them to have a relationship based on love, honesty, trust, attraction, friendship and partnership

But she has her own secret she is actually a Demi God either the daughter of (Hades, Poseidon,Zeus or Hecate) or a reincarnation of one of the four

If she is a Demi God she has their powers but they are half strength as she is part human and is about Wonder Woman strong

If she is a reincarnation as she ages she will get her powers back gradually and at full strength and maybe memories of being that God or Goddesses

Lex is also a reincarnation of a God but they won't know it straight away (maybe Ares God of War, Hephaestus God of Fire and Metalworking, Apollo God of the Sun, the light, Music and Prophecy or Hermes God of Trade, Thieves, Travellers

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

Hecate- is the goddess of witchcraft, crossroads, magic, ghost, necromancy, entrance-ways, light, sorcery and knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants. Her symbols are torches, keys and I think serpents and daggers her sacred animals are Dogs and Polecat (I think it's a black-footed ferret) Sacred plants are Aconite, Belladonna, Dittany and Mandrake, The yew and cypress are also connected to Hecate
Remember Clark has a weakness against witchcraft

Hades- God of the underworld, the dead and riches
Is said to be passive rather than evil and that his role was often maintaining relative balance
Sacred Animal- The screech owl, serpents,black rams and Cerberus the three headed dog
Sacred Plants- Cypress tree, Asphodel plant, Mint, white poplar
Symbols- the barn owl, serpents, Cerberus, Cypress tree, Mint, Asphodel plant and Biden's
Symbols of power - The helm of Darkness (allowed him to be invisible), the Bident (Hades weapon), Sceptre (could split the earth open and guide legions of the dead)

Poseidon- God of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses
Sacred Animals- The bull, the horse and the dolphin
Symbol of Power- The trident
Sacred Plants- Pine trees and wild Celery

Zeus- God of the Sky, lightening, Thunder, Honor(Honour), Justice and ruler of the Gods
Sacred Symbol- The lightening bolt and sceptre
Sacred Plants- Olive trees and Oak tress
Sacred Animals- Eagles and Bulls

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