Lex Luthor/OC (Psychic)

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OC is a a psychic who can see the future but she doesn't see just one possibility she sees every possibility how one little choice can change the future she also know what will is set in stone what can be changed
she knows what will be, what has been and what can be she isn't omniscient she is human and will make mistakes

She can be a meteor freak or was born with her powers

She opens up some kind of shop (your choice of what shop you want) in smallville before season 1 and a first she works in the background for a year or two then slowly starts to interact more with Lex and Clark helps them when they need it even when they don't

She will give them hard truths that they may want to hear, will be cunning when she needs to be

You can choose what she looks like
She is a year younger than Lex
Lex doesn't get obsessed with Lana or marry Helen or cheat neither will OC
Lionel is the bad guy

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

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