Lex Luthor/OC Witch

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OC is a witch (like from Melissa Joan Harts version of Sabrina the teenage Witch)

1) OC can be a teenager 17 going on 18 studying for her witch's license and has just transferred to smallville high school and is in her last year of school


2) Is about the same age as Sabrina's aunts and is around 615 years old (Lex could be her soulmate)

If you choose option 1
Lex and OC can meet when Lex see's Clark showing OC around town or when Lex drops or picks up Clark from school ( if you want you can have her related to Sabrina as her cousin or half sister on her fathers side)

If option 2
OC has gotten a job at LuthorCorp or LexCorp and has to move to Smallville for her job as she has to report to Lex every day
I think Lex would love this as he loves history and OC has lived through 615 years of history (OC can be related to Sabrina as on of her aunts Hilda and Zelda's younger sister or a distant cousin if you want)

For both options
OC moves to smallville in either the middle of season 1 or the beginning of season 2 OC has to have permission from the witch's council if she wants to tell Lex about her being a witch

Lex doesn't Marry Helen or Lana
Neither Lex or OC will cheat on each other
Lionel is the bad guy

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

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