Lex Luthor/OC (Bodyguard)

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When Lex was 17 he was kidnapped and held hostage for a week as his father refused to pay the ransom demand when he managed to escape he rebelled against his father more (which led to the event to club Zero) and also decided to hire a bodyguard for himself

OC was raised as a child soldier, to show no mercy to her enemies, raised to be proficient in different types of martial arts and to be a weapons specialist (a better version of a Black Widow)
she escaped when she was sixteen and lived on the streets until she saw the advert for a person looking to hire a bodyguard
she was seventeen she saw the advert for a bodyguard when she decided to apply

When Lex hires her she follows him everywhere from clubs to sitting in with him during his class at school and college

For the first year or two they have a strictly business relationship but that eventually evolves to friendship where they know they will have each other's back and are able to trust each other with their secrets and that will evolve to a romantic relationship during season 3

OC won't get together with Lex until sometime during the beginning of season three (before Lex is committed) Lex won't become infatuated or marry Lana Lang and he won't cheat on OC

When they get married during season 4 or 5 they talk about hiring another bodyguard for Lex when OC becomes pregnant and won't be able to protect him as much

OC will defend Lex from people like Jonathan Kent, Pete Ross and other people who attack him

Many people think OC is just a hang around of Lex which is what she wants them to think because that way she will be underestimated

I imagine OC to be slightly reserved, a bit cold, sometimes hostile, calculating person who is always scanning the area and people for weakness's and attacks, she also has an innocent look about her that people try to use to get to Lex or to spy on him

OC arrives at lex's side the same time as Jonathan Kent during the bridge scene in season 1
Where she proceeds to tell Lex is isn't allowed to go anywhere without her from now on

With her looking like Scarlet Johansson from Iron Man 2 with the blood red hair and the same age as Lex

Lex can become evil like in they show with OC by his side
Or Lionel can be the bad guy

Characters must be 18 or over if entering a sexual relationship
No cheating
No rape

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