Chapter Eighty-Seven: Meeting King Gustaf

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Queen Isabella

September 7th, 1542

I sat beside Henry and Bash as we rode our horses to the border of Denmark and Sweden. I watched as the men in the camp moved around before I held up my hand.

"Raise the flags!" Henry yelled out and soon the flags for Denmark, Norway, and England went up.

"Begin the trumpet call!" Bash ordered before we began moving towards the border. Standing there stood King Gustaf of Sweden.

As I approached him, he stared at me for a moment before turning to Henry.

"Kommer du att tala Eller kommer din hora?" (Will you speak or will your whore?) He asked and I glared at him.

"Jag är ingen hora. Jag är Danmarks drottning, Norge och England." (I am no whore. I am the Queen of Denmark, Norway, and England.) I hissed and Gustaf turned his head to me and shrugged.

"So be it. How may I help you?"

"Why are you on my boarders? Your forefathers side the treaty of peace with my parents." I stated and Gustaf titled his head at me.

"My forefathers signed it. Not I."

"You have been on my boarders for months now. Either you attack or leave." I hissed and Gustaf chuckled at me before he turned to his men who smirked.

"Den här Horan tror att hon kommer att vinna mot mig." (This whore believes she can win against me.) He said and I gritted my teeth before I grabbed my dagger and flung it into the solider to the left of Gustaf.

It landed in his neck and he gasped before blood began flowing down his mouth.

"Call me a whore one more time and it will be you next." I hissed and I saw Henry smirked beside me. Gustaf stared at me with wide eyes before turning to Henry.

"You dare let your wife do this?"

"You heard my wife and Queen. She is the Queen of Denmark and Norway. She shall hold all the power."

"King Henry VIII of England. The blood-stained King has fallen yet again for women. People coward at your name. Now, look at you." Gustaf said and I watched as Henry stared at him for a moment before he climbed off of his horse.

"I dare you to step down of your horse and say those words to my face." Henry cooly said and I smirked when I saw the fear in Gustaf's eyes.

"You have inherited peace, Gustaf. Denmark and Norway wish to have no trouble with our sister nation Sweden. But if you do not leave my boarders we will declare war." I called out earning Gustaf to turn to me.

"I will not show fear and lose my men."

"Ah, so the truth reveals itself. If your men truly respected you Gustaf you would not need to be so foolish to go after a Queen that rules three countries."

"Hur känner du min tunga?" (How do you know my tongue?)

"För att vara fienden måste du lära dig av fienden?" (To be the enemy you must learn from the enemy.) I simply said and Gustaf stared at me for a moment before nodding.

"I apologize, Isabella when I won the crown of Sweden many of my councilmen said in order to become feared I must win a war against a neighboring nation." He explained and Bash cleared his throat.

"Those are not the men you wish to give you counsel. We are ready to offer two ambassadors for you. One from Norway and one from Denmark so we may have a peaceful friendship. Only if you wish." Bash explained as Henry climbed onto his horse and pulled his horse closer to mine.

"If that will help then yes I shall accept them." He said and I nodded as I stared at him for a moment and nodded.

"Fine, so that means you shall uphold the Treaty of Peace?"

"Yes, I shall uphold it." He confirmed and I nodded.

"Good, my ambassadors will be in Stockholm within a week. You have one day to get the hell away from my borders before I come back with all three armies." I explained before I turned my horse around and didn't wait for Gustaf to say anything as well.

I heard Henry's breathing as he galloped to keep up with my pace.

"Gustaf is about the same age as your brother was." He offered and I raised an eyebrow at him before looking straight ahead.

"Your point Henry?"

"His mindset reminded me a lot of Eli's. I think you saw that as well when he opened his mouth and it scared you."

"Is that why you let me lead?"

"No, Bella you are the Queen. You have so much power within you and yet you let so many, including me, walk over you as if you are nothing." He said as he pulled his horse in front of mine and I had to yank on the reins to get my horse to stop.

"Be that warrior Queen I feel in love with almost three years ago. The women my daughters look up to. Be unstoppable." Henry finished before he looked over my face for a moment and then turned to lead us all back to the castle.

I stood frozen for a moment before I heard Bash ride beside me and cleared his throat.

"I know that look, Bella."

"I think my husband is sick Bash," I whispered as I turned to my best friend and stared at him.

"Why do you say that?"

"He has been sleeping more and more. He only does that when he is ill." I said as I kicked the side of the horse lightly as we began moving forward.

"I shall send the physician to check on him when we return. Will that ease your mind?"

"Yes, it shall ease my mind my husband will live to watch his children grow."

Queen Isabella of Denmark// King Henry VIIWhere stories live. Discover now