Chapter 11

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A/N K look people in the story, idc wht i said earlier, It takes five months for werewolf pregancy and I'm changing their ages. Kyle is 21 Emmaline is 19. Hunter is 20 and Jade is 19. k? k. I will post a list of the charcters and their ages.

Emmaline POV
**Four Hours Later**
***After their nap***
We woke up one hour ago. Kyle being the idiot that he is decided to make sea food. Of course I being pregnant got sick. Kyle felt so bad but it was pretty funny. So I'm makimg some pizza which Kyle doesn't agree with. He can suck it. I want my pizza. I had just put the dough in a bowl, so that it can rise, when I felt a puddle form at my feet. This is not good. I should probalaly get Kyle. "KYLE" I screamed. It was actually pretty humerous to watch his face as he realized what happened. So him being an a nimrod, ran upstairs to grab the hospital bag. Then he raced downstairs grabbed me, carefully, and carried me, bridal style, to my Jeep Wrangler. I, honestly, was fine until the contractions started. Damn those things hurt like a bitch. So I was squeeezing Kyles hand so hard I think i heard it crack. Whoops.....
Huh. I didn't even notice that we got to the hospital. So he raced over to my side of the car and carried me into the hospital, grabbed a wheelchair, and started running. That was a funny sight. That explains why Jade is laughing next to Hunter. HEY! When did they get here?!?! Kyle better hurry his ass up and get me to that damn hospital bed. Never mind I'm on a hospital bed. I need to pay attention to my surroundings. It would help my state of mind. Hey, look, there's our doctor. Turns out I'm not dilated enough. So we got to wait 20 minutes.

~15 minutes later~ ~think of the sponge bob voice saying it~

Being in labor is a bitch. So I am waiting for the doctor to tell me what to do when he all of a sudden the doors burst open and their are my parents. Yay! They made it. "Push" the doctor yells. So I do after a few time repeating this I hear a soft cry. My heart warms with the fact that it is my own kid. Well, guess what? The future Alpha is here. They hand my son to my mom because Kyle fainted. Which we got on video. He is so not going to live that down. Muhahahahahahaha. Did i forget to mention that Kyle fainted? Well he did. The doctor tells me to push again. So I do because I no longer want this baby inside of me so it has to go. Like now. After a few more painful pushes my second child is handed to me. After I hold him for a few minutes they take him away to have him cleaned and all that jolly good stuff. They bring back my other son who looks exquisite in his baby blue blanket. He has little poofs of black hair and my green eyes. *Kyle wakes up* "Huh?! What did I miss?" Kyle says after he wakes up. When he sees me with our baby boy he smiles so much I think his jaw might fall from his face. "Gemme." is all Kyle says before I hand him our first born so I can hold my other baby. He has what looks like peach fuzz on his head but I know that it is his blonde hair. He has Kyle's blue eyes. I smile and look at my husband. "We are not having anymore kids. You know that, right?" is what I say to Kyle. "Its in inevitable, we like baby makin' to much." he says smirking at me. ' Look at how cute our pups are!' my wolf coos at me. 'I know' i respond

Emmalines Mom POV

Oh mer gerd! I have grandchildren! Oh my gosh they are so adorable like legit. My husband dosen't loook that happy though. She should have waited awile.... But we didn't wait so he has no room to talk. Like we had our first son 5 months after we were married. Which my dad was pissed about but he soon got over it. Which is what i suspect is going to happen with my family. I wonder when thay are going to let me watch their chldren. OHHH I didn't even think of that. I need to hold them. Which is not far that I have to be in the waiting room. It dosen't smell good out here. *Can you calm down baby your giving me a headache* my mate mindlinks me. *No i will not calm down i want to hug and cuddle and hold my grandchildren* i respond. I am pouting at the moment.


A few songs that I like

For a long time we've been
marching off to battle
In our thundering herd
We feel a lot like cattle
Like the pounding beat
Our aching feet aren't easy to ignore

2nd song

I was walking away,
But she's so beautiful it made me stay
I don't know her name,
But I'm hoping she might feel the same
So here I go again,
She got my heart again

3rd song

I've got the magic in me
Every time I touch that track
It turns into gold
Now everybody knows

I've got the magic in me
When I hit the floor the girls come
Snappin' at me


P.P.S You have to include the title and the artist goodluck my people

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