Chapter 12

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A/N okay i have little cousins but they were babys when i was like 5 so i don't remeber most stuff about babys but i hepled takr care of these said cousins when they were 3 and 4 so i am better talking about this age group. I thought 'Hey why don't i skip ahead a few years and know what im talking about so i don't look like an idiot' so thats what i did.

Guess what else?! I never put last names. I am an idiot. The next update is all on the charcters. I'm trying to put most of them. Comment or PM me if you want the desciption of a specifis charcter.

also will someone please contact me and tell me how to put a cast on here, like on the side where the pictures i can't figure it out.

This one is like going to be longer then most of my updates. Just saying.

I'm going to start putting some lyrics at the bottom of some updates.

The twins names are: Jason Atwood & Xaiver Atwood

Emmalines POV

****Four Years later***

My babies have grown up so fast. They are about to start school and everything. I think I'm going to cry. I wonder what they will be like in highschool. Not even realizing that i got lost in my thoughts, Xaiver and Jason run into Kyle and I's room and start jumping on the bed asking if we remeber what day it is. " It's your birthday how could i forget" yells Kyle. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I scream. Kyle looks at me and says 'The only time you should scream is when its my name' I immediently blush. Stupid hormones. He better watch it or he ain't gettin' any. '3 Days Kyle you are going without sex for three days.' I mindlink back. His wolf immediately whines while Kyle groans. Sucker. That what happans when you mess with me. '75 ROUGES AT THE NORTH BORDER' goes theought the pack link. I grab Xav and Jason and run to the under the house bomb shelter. I leave them their with some of the fellow pack women. I run back upstairs and go to help with the fight when Kyle runs up to me. "Emmy pplease don't go out there. I don't what I would do without you just stay downstairs with the boys. Please?" He know that i hate to stand by when there is afight. Plus im badass. I went through so much training. Wait hold the hell up. I GOT MY AWESOME SAMURAI SWORDS LAST MONTHE WITH THE X SHAPED SCABBARD! HELL NAH I'M GOING TO WAR. I've been wanting to use those babies for ages. "You know that I just got those awesome samurai sword last month though." I whine. I am known as the most violent Luna in werewolf history. I am known to other packs as the Callus Luna. I am practically ruthless unless there are children involved. "Just stay here please. Your pregnant. I can smell it, and you wolf told me. Please stay here." well thank you Rose for informing me about having another pup. "Fine, I love you babe. Your ass better come come back. I can't raise three kids by myself." he knows that is my way of saying please come back. I walk back down to the shelter and sit down next to the boys grumpily. A few of the pack ladies chuckle at me. Kyle's mom grins. "Why are you grinning?" i question her. I really am intrigued. "How did my son convince the 'Callous Luna' to sit on the sidelines of a battle? I have 3 theories A. Your Pregnant B. Your Pregnant or C. Your Pregnant. Which one is it?'' How does she know me so well?! Oh right our parents are best friends. Makes perfect sense. '' Fine you caught me.'' I say looking down. I hear Jade squeal. Huh?! Am I missing something here? "I'me pregnant too!" Jade screeches. "DOUBLE BABY SHOWER'' Jade and I scream. "Whats going on mommy?" Xaiver says to me. "Yeah, what going on mommy?" Jason says. "Mommy and Auntie Jade are going to be having a baby." "What does that mean mommy?" Jason asks. "It means that we are going to have a little brother or sister." responds Xavier.

Kyles POV

She can't come to war shes pregnant with my pup. I have to convince her not to come."Just stay here please. Your pregnant. I can smell it, and you wolf told me. Please stay here." I say to her. Please work."Fine, I love you babe. Your ass better come come back. I can't raise three kids by myself." is what she responds with. I know that's her way of saying come back I need you. I run out to where I am meeting with my warriors. "Wheres our Luna?" one of the warriors say. "I will kick ass if Emmaline's missing." Her brothers both growl. "Whoa calm down. She's fine, and in the shelter." I tell them quickly before they go mass murder on everyone. "How the hell did you convince her to stay here?! She just got those samurai swords. Those things are like her babies. Didn't she get throwing stars with them? There is no way she staying inside because you told her to,there has to be a reason." Her father says. Dammit. I didn't want to tell them yet. "Shes pregnant" I mumble. "Huh? What did you say I couldn't hear you." My dad taunts. "She pregnant!" I yell. "Hip Hip" "Hooray" my warriors. Hunter my third in command says "Sorry to rain on your parade but there a rouges at the north border that we have to kill before they get to us." oh. yeah. Thats why we are here isn't it. We sure are scatter-minded today arn't we. "Okay lets go and kick ass. For our children!" I scream at the end and hold my fist in the air. We all have on war paint by now. Everyone responds by putting there fists in the air. "Shift" I command. I shift and take off to the north border. I left my best gaurds here with the children and all the women who wern't fighting. We get to the border and the rouges are just about to pass the border when I growl a booming noise that some of my own packs steps back to. Thats how scary they are. I think I even see one rouge run off. I shift and put on some basket ball shorts. "Why are you here?" I ask the rouges. "You have someone that I want." Why would they want one of my pack members? "Why and who?" I wonder who it is-"I want Emmalina McAllister." Awh Hell naw. thats my mate. I heamy pack growl behind me. "WHY DO YOU WANT MY MATE?!" I yell with so much alpha voice that even my dad backs up a few steps. "Her wolf is white. She is a desendent of the Royals. We are not rouges we are royal gaurds that were sent here to collect her so the the King and Queen may see her. This does not make sense. Her dad shifts back. "Huh? Now my 'Brother' wants to see my family. Over my dead body." Someone who looks exactly like her father shifts back from a white wolf. "Brother it was a missunderstanding years ago. Please forgive me." woah. I fell like i am in the middle of a private family situation. Who cares? "Whatever. What do you want with my daughter?" her father answers. "She is the only line to the throne. None of my children inherited the royal gene. Your daughter did. So her mate and her are the Prince and Princess of the kingdom." Well shit. I am a prince. "So your telling me that my mate, I, and our kids are suspoused to come with you to an unknown place where we are 'Prince and Princess'?" This is starting to get weird. "Basically. Exept its not that weird." is his answer. "Where is the 'Callus Luna' any way?" that is none of his buisness. "Why do you care? What the hell make you think I am telling you where my mate is?" I say "Lets find a somewhere to talk about this like normal people." fine. " Okay follow me. You can bring five of your men the rest have to get away from my territory."

2 hours later

My mate and I where at the kitchen counter talking with her uncle. She was in my lap and my arms were wrapped around he waist resting on her stomach right above where my pup is. Her hands were on top of mine. we were talking about royal stuff. When Xaiver runs in. "Mommy are you going to have a boy or a girl?" our little boy asks. "We don't know yet sweetie." she tells him. Her uncle looks shcoked. "You look nineteen. How old are you and what does he mean?" her uncle asks. "I am 23, he is asking if I am having a girl or boy as in a baby. This will be our third kid. Our twins are four today." she answers with a proud smile and a twinkle in her eyes from talking about the family that she loves. I kiss her cheek, then I rest my chin on her shoulder. He looks shocked. "Well I am tired. Uncle you can stay in a guest house. JOHN! GET DOWN HERE." She screams the last part. Her brother John rushes down the stairs of the pack house. "Whut? Whut do ya need?" he says to her. "Show our uncle to the guest house with his gaurds." she tells hime smirking because he has to listen to her she has a higher rank then him. He walks ot of the room with the previously mentioned peopl behind them. Emmy jumps off my lap and walks over to the elavator where she presses the button for our floor of the pack house. I mindlink our mothers to tuck in our boys for us later. the elavoter door opens and she walks to our bedrrom door, and opens it. She walks into the bathroom to change into some pajamas. I take off my shirt and jeans so that I'm in my boxers, then I climb into bed.She walks back out in a pair of short Minnie Mouse pajama shorts and a normal spegetti strap tanktop on. I'm already on the bed in my boxers. Seeing her like this is making me a little excited. She sees this and gives me a pointed look. She climbs in bed with me and snuggles up to me with her head on my chest. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead "I love you. Sweet dreams honey." I tell her before she falls asleep. "I love you too. Night." she responded then she kisses my chest which sends shiers down my spine. I hear her soft snores and I know that shes asleep. I think about our future and I eventually drift off to sleep.


In Summer

From "Frozen"

Bees'll buzz, kids'll blow dandelion fuzz
And I'll be doing whatever snow does
In summer
A drink in my hand, my snow up against the burning sand
Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned
In summer

I'll finally see a summer breeze blow away a winter storm
And find out what happens to solid water when it gets warm
And I can't wait to see what my buddies all think of me
Just imagine how much cooler I'll be
In summer

Da da, da doo, ah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, boo
The hot and the cold are both so intense
Put 'em together, it just makes sense
Ratdadat, dadadadoo
Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle
But put me in summer and I'll be a happy snowman

When life gets rough I like to hold onto my dreams
Of relaxing in the summer sun, just letting off steam
Oh, the sky will be blue, and you guys'll be there too
When I finally do what frozen things do
In summer
In summer!


Random Quote

"I've gotton hot since you wen't blind" The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

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