Chapter 16 - No way!

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Lucifer came back with two plates with excellent made omelette for his future-to-be wife. He wanted to propose to her the right way, he wanted her to feel like a princess on such occasion. She deserved that afterall. And after she becomes his she will be one of a hell of princess.

"So who did you talk to when I was asleep?"

"Hmm, someone is eavesdropping I assume?" Lucifer purred as he sat in front of her, watching her eat her meal.

"For your information, it wasn't eavesdropping. You and the other voice woke me up, so I was kinda forced to listen." She giggled as she started eating and humming in approval. He adored that side of hers.

"Lucas was here. He asked me to tell you news about Wuming."

"What happened to him?" She suddenly stopped, quite curious.

"He was killed."

Chloe stiffened for a moment and dropped her fork, looking down. How could've this happened? It was her fault afterall, he told her Hemingson won't be happy about it. But she escaped anyway. She was in debt of him, because he released her and let her live a happy life, even if it meant for his half brother to not be happy about it.

"How.. W-why.." She trembled, anger and rage coming up to her, but she felt a soft hand landing on hers that was in the form of fist.

"Don't worry, darling. He'll pay about it. Also tell me, you do remember Jack Smith, right?"

"Yeah, the Lead Designer. He was working with Hemingson and he ordered him to kill Yoosung. What about him" She seemed to calm down a little bit, but Lucifer could read her gaze and knows she is still sad and enraged.

"Let's just say I got Maze to find our guy. Maybe he knows where Hemingson could be now?"

"You mean he's here? Kidnapped!?" Chloe silently screamed and looked at Lucifer in horror.

"It's not that bad as it looks like, Detective. Trust me. We will just ask him some questions and let him go? What do you say?"

"I don't know. He's a killer. What about giving him to the police? That sounds more logical."

"True, love. Now go change up a little bit. I wouldn't like another man to look at what is mine now." Lucifer smirked at her and rose up to his feet to fetch away the now empty dishes. Chloe's cheeks flushed with blood and became even redder as she stood up and fastly went to the bathroom.

The room was dark. Jack didn't know what was going on. He had a bag on his face and was hardly breathing when a light in the middle of the room was turned on and he could see some siluets from the black bag. He tried to move but obviously he was kept on a chair and locked to the chair with... handcuffs? It was strange that the kidnapper didn't use something like a rope or anything else, typical in the movies. But still Jack was scared so much he was starting to loose his mind. Suddenly his black bag on his face was removed and a woman, clothed up all in black with a black hat, and it seems like she had an eye patch on. Jack didn't know what was happening so he did what first came to his mind and yelled:

"What the fuck is going on? HELP!"

The woman shushed. Now Jack could see her features more clearly. She had long, blonde, curved hair and beautiful blue oceanic eyes. How could an angel like her do something like that? He thought it will be better if he started off more easily?

"Who are you?"

"My name is not important. More important is that the information you should give me." She huffed. "Tell me again why are we doing it?" She talked to a person who was staying in the shadows.

"Love, it will be more comfortable for us to ask him here, under pressure." The person came into Jack's view. He was tall, handsome man. With black hair and chocolate brown eyes. It seems that both of them were a couple.

"Anyway. You know Yoosung Kim, hm?"

"Yes, yes! I'll tell you everything, just let me go after it."

The woman got a chair from somewhere and sat on it in front of Jack. The man was staying behind her like a watching owl. The woman fixed her gaze on Jack and he trembled before speaking:

"I was payed up by His Highness, Prince Hemingson to kill the young boy. He told me he was one of his obstacles for getting his woman.. I don't really remember her name, but it seems she's dear to his Highness."

The woman's eyes went down and began to appear with some tears. The man behind  her clenched his fists madly and was ready to punch someone. His attention went to the woman when she abruptly stood up and went straight to Jack, giving him a loud slap.

"How could you!" She yelled.

She seemed in so much rage and pain. Jack couldn't tell a single word. He knew he was the one to blame, but what he could say. He already did it. There was no coming back.

"I can't even stay another minute here, I'm sorry Lucifer."

Lucifer looked at Chloe with so much sincerity and he grabbed her hands softly.

"Don't worry, love. Get up in the penthouse. I'll join you in a bit." He gave her a peck on her lips, as Chloe dissapeard in the dark.

The dun of the metal door announced that Chloe was outside, which meant Lucifer and Jack were left alone.

"W-what are you going to do to me?"

"Oh, you hurt someone dear to the detective, so I must punish you now, right?" Lucifer grinned as his eyes accepted the red crimson colour, holding the literal fires of hell. Jack screamed in agony looking at the creature in front of him.


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