Chapter 7 - Tensions Running High

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*One week later*

The Intelligence Unit watched on anxiously as the Chief of Police berated Voight in his office. It has been three weeks since the first officer was shot, and the Intelligence Unit were no closer to finding the shooter. The whole Chicago Police force were on edge. The public and the media were putting immense pressure on the police department to find the person responsible before another police officer was killed.

The Intelligence Unit had not had a day off in three weeks and they were all starting to become fatigued.

Jay and Erin were sat in front of Erin's computer watching CCTV footage from the area around the building the shooter shot from.

"Right there" Erin exclaimed, pointing at the screen. A hooded figure could be seen carrying a long case down the alley behind the building. Jay paused the video and zoomed in on the figure on the screen.

"How did we not see this before?" Jay asked, signaling Mouse over to enhance the image.

The movement in the squad room caught the attention of the Chief of Police and Voight who came out to find out what was going.

"What's going on?" Voight asked as he entered the squad room with the Chief of Police right behind him.

"We've got a guy in the alley behind the building our shooter was in, carrying a long case" Erin answered, turning to face Voight.

"We can't get a look at his face, but Mouse is checking cameras in the surrounding streets to see if we can track this guys movements after he left the alley" Jay added.

"Why are we only just seeing this now?" Voight asked, his expression hardening.

"We only found out about the camera in the alley yesterday and it took a while to track down the building manager to get the footage" Erin answered calmly.

"Do we have a clear shot of this guy's face?" the Chief of Police asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, the footage is low quality. This guy also doesn't appear on any other cameras in the area. It's like he's a ghost" Mouse answered, leaning back in his chair.

"Can we figure out an approximate height and weight for this guy?" Voight asked, leaning in to get a closer look at the computer screen.

"I can try" Mouse said, leaning forward and typing away at the keyboard.

The team and the Chief of Police watched on anxiously as Mouse continues trying to out anything he could about the figure in the alley.

"Using a few of the objects in the foreground of the footage, this guy is approximately 5'6" tall and about 150-160lbs. He's not a very big guy. Could we be looking for a kid?" Mouse asked, looking up from the screen in front of him.

"This guy has made two long range shots and has cleaned up after himself in record time. This guy is highly trained and more than likely has a military or law enforcement background. There is no way our perp is a kid" Jay replied, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"Halstead and Lindsay, you two stay here and go through military records. See if you can find anyone that fits the general description of our shooter that has even the slightest motive. The rest of us are going to hit the streets and talk to the shop workers in a five-block radius of the building our shooter used. This guy had to pop up somewhere" Voight addressed his team before leading the way down to the garage.

Erin and Jay set to work sorting through military records, searching for anyone that matched the description of the shooter.

*Two hours later*

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