Chapter 9 - On the Hunt

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*No One's P.O.V*

Reluctantly, the members of the Intelligence Unit grabbed their belongings and headed home to get some much-needed rest. It had been days since any of them had been home, each of them more determined than ever to catch the sniper. None of them had taken the time to really grieve the loss off their friend and colleague as they were currently more focused on catching her killer. They would have time to grieve later.

Erin and Jay slowly climbed into Jay's car, their muscles aching and their eyelids heavy. Jay pulled out of the precinct parking lot as Erin sunk down into her seat and closed her eyes. Jay smiled softly at Erin as he pulled out into traffic.

It wasn't long before Jay pulled the car to a stop in their driveway. He glanced over at Erin who was still sound asleep in the seat next to him. He quietly got out of the car and walked around to Erin's side, slowly reaching over her to undo her seat belt before carefully lifting her out of the car and carrying her inside. She started to stir as he placed her down on their bed and covered her with a blanket.

"It's okay, go back to sleep. I'll wake you when dinner is ready. How does pizza sound?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Erin nodded before closing her eyes again. Jay gently kissed the top of her head before walking out of the room to order the pizza.

*20 minutes later*

A knock on the front door drew Jay's attention away from the baseball game he had been watching. He quickly grabbed the pizza from the delivery driver and went into the kitchen to make a drink for himself and Erin.

He walked into the bedroom and smiled when he noticed Erin's hand resting protectively over her stomach as she slept.

He gently rubbed Erin's arm and she began to wake, smiling as she opened her eyes to see Jay smiling at her.

"The pizza is here, and I poured you a glass of water" Jay told her, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes.

"Thanks babe. I'll just go to the loo because this baby insists on using my bladder for target practice and then I'll be right there" she joked, rolling over and getting up from the bed.

*5 minutes later*

"That smells delicious" Erin said excitedly as she joined Jay in front of the TV. The pair ate in comfortable silence whilst watching the baseball game on the screen in front of them.

Erin grabbed the blanket that was resting over the back of the couch and spread it over her lap before reaching for another slice of pizza. Jay watched her quietly, his attention no longer on the game as Erin smiled softly as she ate. Her smile quickly turned to panic as she jumped to her feet and made a dash for the bathroom, the pizza she had been enjoying a moment earlier now trying to make a quick return trip.

"Are you ok?" Jay called, running after her with concern etched on his face. He arrived in the bathroom to find Erin hunched over the toilet bowl, her chest heaving. He held her hair and rubbed her back as she threw up into the toilet. "Would you like a glass of water?" he asked as she sat back finally having emptied her stomach contents into the toilet bowl. Erin nodded, not yet having the strength to speak. Jay turned around to the sink to fill one of the glasses they kept on the side of the sink before handing it to her.

"Thanks" Erin said breathlessly, resting her head on the cool, tiled walls of their ensuite. Jay wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead with a damp cloth as she closed her eyes.

Jay sat down beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, gently pulling her closer to his side. She leaned her head on his shoulder as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. Jay stood up and helped her to her feet so that she could rinse her mouth out with mouth wash. Jay bent down and planted a quick kiss on her stomach.

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