Chapter Zero

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I don't have many people I call "friends". It's not that I lack communication skills. I just prefer to be alone. It's always nice and quiet. Almost peaceful. Then, you get those people that pity you when they see you eating lunch by yourself. They're beyond annoying. 

My name is a topic that often comes up with those people. They ask the meaning behind my name as if they really care about me as a human. Long story short, my parents love colors and their meaning. Blue symbolizes trust and wisdom. Orange represents enthusiasm and happiness. But the one color they settled on for me was scarlet. Scarlet symbolizes courage and passion. It was a nice try to give me character before I was even born. I'm not sure if they knew the other meaning to the color. Scarlet is also a symbol of lust and sin.

Another thing that annoys me is serial killers. Murderers should get a life. But of course, people love a sad back story explaining why people kill others. They come from many different types of families. Rich or poor. Attentive or neglectful. Really, I don't think family is the issue. I think it's something deeper and darker than that. Something people hate talking about.


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