Chapter Eighteen

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I thought I was human...but it turned out to be I was the demon queen, the most powerful being among the living. Trance was a high class noble that designated himself as my body guard and guardian. Then, he got promoted to my lover.

"You know what? That was a nice story, but I'm kind of hungry right now."

"Well, I have something in the kitchen. Do you want some?"

"You know I do!"

Trance sprang to his feet. I wanted to do the same, but my legs were asleep. It felt like pins and needles stabbed my skin with every twitch of my body.

"My legs are asleep."

"I guess I'll have to carry you there."

"You really don't have to. I can just wait it out. No need-"

Trance picked me up from under my arms and held me at an arm's distance, careful not to upset my legs. It was awkward like someone moving a stinky kitten from one room to the other. I was the stinky kitty that never had a chance to brush her teeth. The nasty film on my tongue was bothering me. Now I know why Trance asked me to brush my teeth. The smell of mouth-watering food greeted us in the kitchen.

"Are your legs better?"

"Yeah. Thank you for carrying me all the way over here."

"It's my pleasure."

But Trance didn't put me down. I was stuck in the air with my feet dangling.


He put me down in a chair close to the kitchen. Trance went back to the kitchen and brought back a stack of pancakes. The plate clinked as he set it down on the table. In the other hand, he poured a generous amount of syrup on the top of my pancakes. It felt much more special coming from Trance than the old hag. I was about to start digging in, but Trance stole the fork.

"Can you stand up really quick?"


He sat down in my seat and pat his lap.

"You can sit here."

I reeeally don't want to- He gave me such a heart melting smile. I couldn't resist. I sat down on his knees. He wrapped his arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

"At last, I can finally have you all to myself."

Trance used the fork to cut a piece of pancake from the stack. He lifted the syrupy, spongy bread to my mouth. I opened it obediently and stole the food off of the fork. I savored the explosion of flavor on my tongue. It was ten times better than any pancake I had ever tasted. Trance prepared another bite as I finished chewing. I took the next bite. And the next. And the next. Trance chuckled quietly as I kept asking for more. When the plate was done, I felt like I was going to cry.

"Don't worry. I made extra for you to snack on later. I put them in a bag."

Trance took his coat from me and put it on.

"We have to get going. She's already onto us."

"Who's 'she'?"

"The one that owns that green mark and sent the bat. Her name's Adramelech. She's the 'King of Fire'. It's said that her flame is hotter than of the ones down in hell's torture chambers."

"I don't want to pick a fight with her!"

"Me neither."

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