Chapter Seven

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The scarlet filter was darkening. Insanity crawled into the back of my head from the dark place it was hiding. Morals flew out the window. I jumped behind my mother and slit her throat. Her head was barely hanging by the spinal cord and back muscles. Black blood was rushing down her body. She gripped her hair and manually moved her head back in place. My mother sliced my arm open and licked her long nail. Her eyes lit with a brighter purple than before, and she began to drool.

Meanwhile, Trance was working on Shax. The demons were duking it out with all their strength. Trance managed to land a few hits but missed Shax's mark every time. On the other hand, Shax carefully aimed his only attack, almost stabbing Trance's chest.

My mother hopped onto my back, wrapping her arms and legs around me. I fell backwards to crush her, but we never hit the ground. I looked behind and saw my father's body. The blood. The flies. The stench. Rage burned in my heart. I elbowed my mother in the side until she let go. I took the chance to lift her T-shirt sleeve. Her face went paler than pale. I received a kick to the stomach before I could stab her mark, but I held onto her shirt. She was winding up for another kick when I took the chance to pierce her mark. My mother froze, and I could hear Shax in the background shrieking.

My mother's body started disintegrating starting from her feet. All I could think about was revenge for my dad. I stuck a whole set of nails into her chest. Bones crunched under the pressure. My mother's mouth opened to scream, but no sound came out. I continued to twist my hand and pulled out her heart. Blood splashed onto my face. I brought the heart to my teeth an took a bite out of it like an apple. A chewy apple. The juices poured out of my mouth and dripped onto my clothes. The blood was even better than the last killer's.

She disappeared completely and so did the remains of her heart. The sick and twisted piece of shit called a "heart". The familiar exhaustion took over my body. Trance picked me up, and we appeared in a motel room. He set me down on one of the beds and sat down on the other.

"Sorry to put you through that. On the bright side, we only have five more to go."

Not only was I exhausted, but the news drained me of my motivation to kill other serial killers. All I wanted to do was finish off my mother. To watch her suffer. To see the sweat building up on her forehead from fear.

I wanted to drink more blood. The warm, thick liquid. Trance could see me struggling and sighed.

"Go to sleep, and you'll feel better when you wake up."

I snarled at him in protest.

"Looks like it'll be the hard way again."

Trance stood back up. He pinched my nose shut and covered my mouth. I felt dizzy after a little while. I tried to fight back, but the lack of air and energy made it impossible to move. The red turned to black.


I opened my eyes and the cold air stung. The memories from my transformation came flooding in. The blood. My father. My mother. Her words replayed over and over. The blood of a serial killer runs through my veins. It started with your great grandmother. Then, your grandma. To me. And now you. Over and over and over. I went to stop the words from ringing in my ears with my hands when I noticed Trance cut my nails for me.

"How're you doing?"

Trance hovered over me. It was comforting in a disturbing way but still nice.

"Well...lemme see. I killed my mother. My father's dead. I love the taste of blood. OH! And I learned I have a whole family of fuckin serial killers! Isn't that hilarious!?"

I could feel the hatred of the world burning me with its scornful eyes. A sarcastic laugh slipped between my lips. With every breath in, a suffocating miasma replaced the air in my lungs.

"I get it. Both-"

My eye twitched, and I snapped.


Trance sighed heavily.

"As I was saying. Both of your parents are dead and now you're stuck with me. But the world is a better place without your mother. She was a serial killer. She could've killed you next."

"Then what about my father, huh? I didn't get to spend that much time with him. No high schooler should have to bury their parents."

"Luckily, you only have to bury one."

Trance gave a I-tried-to-find-the-bright-side-in-a-dark-situation-so-don't-get-mad-please face.

"Well, I better get right to it before the rats get him."

Trance set his hand on my head and we landed in my house. I walked to the shed in the backyard and grabbed a shovel. I broke the dirt with the blade and took out the first scoop. I was digging for at least two hours. The shirt clung to the sweat on my back. I hit a small box about four feet down. 

"What's this?"

I hopped out of the hole to fetch a small shovel and ran back. Trance was holding the box. Something felt off. His eyes were glowing.

"Hand it over."

"Do you wanna know what's inside?"

"Do you know what's inside?"

"I do. And it's none of your business. Unless you can come and steal it from me."

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