part 4

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Nik left to come and check on me. "Hey lil sis. Can I come in?" "Please go away Nik. I can't I just can't ok?" "Listen to me Emmy, who cares what they think and I have spoken to the principal. You get all your certificates Monday and finish there of good." I opened the door and looked at him, "do you mean it?" "Of course, little one. You been school enough in your lifetime." I hugged Nik, "thank you." My phone rung, "hello." "Hey Em." "What can I do for you Sam?" I didn't know what to stay, "I will be over."

I hung up and ran a hand in my hair, "damnit." I knocked my picture frame off. "Emily?" "I need to get to Lia's." I texted Nick and asked him to meet me at the diner for 9pm. "Later." I sped out and was at Sam's. The pack looked at me, "can you help?" "Where is she?" "With Sam in their room." I went to their room and knocked. "come in." "Hey." "Emily dear why you here?" "One to help and two I had an argument with the family 2 times now." I healed Lia. Me and Sam went down; I made him a coffee and myself a tea. "She will be ok by tonight." I looked at my phone and Finn were ringing it.

I declined; "well there is good news and bad news." "What is the good?" "Nik help me escape going to school so on Monday I get my certificates and leave the school to never return." "We are happy for you." I hugged Sam. The pack looked at me, "what is the bad?" "I've been given a job but it is in New York." "Oh." Sam looked at me and squeezed my hand, "I would've tried to convince you to stay but you need time alone. This is a great opportunity and we all back you. Just remember to check in on us on holidays." "If there is a fight I will be straight here." "I know. You love your fights."

We talked for a little while longer and I looked at the time. "I better go, I have business to take care of." I hugged them and went out the door but Sam came up to me. "EMILY!" "What Sam?" "Here, take this. I want you to have it." "Sam I can't that is for..." "No, I had two made. This one has a picture of me, Lia, Carlisle and you all together talking about the agreement." "I remember that day. Thank you." I put it on and left. I met Nick at the diner. We talked when My brother Niklaus walked in. "Can we start now?"

 I nodded my head and we both listened. Niklaus voice his concerns for the family and Fury promises him that I will be looked after. "So, what do you say?" He put a piece of paper and pen in front of me. I signed it, "it will do me some good and beside get to work with you more." We shook hands and Nick was about to leave, "Emily?" "Yes." "I will send Agent Coulsdon to pick you up Monday evening." "Yes sir." He walked out. Klaus looked at me, "I am happy for you sis." "Thanks bro. We should go home." "and tell them the news."

We went and I told everyone. They agreed I made the right choice but I knew they were going to miss me. "When do you leave?" "Monday Evening." "Looks like Finn and Elijah can spend tomorrow with you for the whole day. Bek and Kol can take you to school and meet you at lunch. Then I come pick you up and spend time with you before you get picked up." "Thanks Nik and you lot. I don't know where I would be without you." He wiped my tears and I hugged them. I went to bed and did what Nick said. It was Monday Morning and Rebekah and Kol kept to their promise. I found Bella. "Can we talk?" "Sure." We went to a different part of the car park.

"What is it?" "I found a job but..." "that is amazing and what is the but?" "I have to leave to go New York." "Well as long as you are happy, I am fine and plus you deserve it." I got everything and met Nik at the end of the day. "Come you've got to pack." I smiled and reassure Nik I was still be there for him. "I am one phone call away if you need me or just want to talk." "I know and the same for you." We went back time the major and Nick helped me pack the essentials I need. I put my bags bear the door and sat with the family for a while. The door knocked and I opened it, "you ready?" "Yes, thank you." They took my bags and I looked at everyone. "Give me a minute." "Sure." I went up to Nik, "Hey. Don't cry brother." "There is a possibility that you might..." "No, Nik. You can't think like that. Here I gave him a locket that had me and him in.  

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