Part 18

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Me and Jake got back from patrol when we walked in Edward and Bella were talking about it again. they looked up for a moment, "Emily your aren't going crazy. I can hear the baby as well." I smiled and they went back to whatever they are doing. Carlisle called me and Jake downstairs. They showed us. "That is it and we need to hunt so Carlisle is at his best for Bella. I looked at Jake and nodded. He explained his plan.

"Are you sure you don't want to go." "I can't or I can be back in time." Me and Jake headed to the treaty line. "It would be better if you faced us." Embry, Quill and Nik came to the border. Leah and Seth was behind us. "Take Leah and Seth back to Sam's pack. Me and Emily will be the ones to kill it. It was working then there was a howl. Embry and Quill ran off. Nik looked at me with guilt in his eyes and what to say something but I nodded, teleported back to the house. Jake walked in and picked me up from the floor downstairs. He held me as we walked up. "Thank you, both of you." "It fine, did they make it?" "Yeah." Jake let go of me. "Emily." I walked off and rung Nat. "Hey sweetie." "Hey babe, how is everyone?" "They are okay. We all miss you and Bruce is improving. Put him on then I want to talk to everyone on loud speaker."

They a silence for the moment. "Hello Angel." "Hello big buy. How are you?" "Getting better thanks to you. Actually reduced me time in my lab. You room has been cleaned by Nat and Wanda." "One less thing to do." "How is the situation done your end?" "Still the same. Two side split. My family look at me if I am an outcast. It is getting to the point where I am going to have to decide. This or you lot." "Hey, I know what you are going through and I don't want you making any back decisions." "I know." "I pass you back to Nat." 

"Sweetie you are on loud speaker." "Hey guys." "Hey dear, how everything with the family?" "Situation split family into side and currently having to watch my back to protect for what I believe in." "You always do. Just remember not to let the tribrid take over completely." "I know. I would just want to come home in your arms and relax without all this nonsense." "We know but you need time to recover." "I have and I am fine. Don't believe me I will get Bruce to run some test." "Ok."  "Doll, calm down a bit. You worst than me." "Sorry Bucky, I haven't left this house." "It is fine but..." Suddenly there was screaming from the living room. "Emily what was that?" "Got to go." 

I hung up and rushed into see what was happening. I was holding Bella's hand. The baby came and Bella met it. "Emily, take Reneesme." I took her and Rose followed me. We both took it in turns until I heard Edward scream for me, Alice and Jasper. I pass Ren to Rose and ran out. "We got to hold them off." We nodded and got to work. I saw my family and they were coming for me. I started with the vamp side then the wolf kicked in. I hoped the witch doesn't kick in but it was too late. Edward, Alice and Jasper all took a step back with their family and watched me. Everyone back off when I spoke up. 

"Jake has imprinted, you can harm the baby." "they asked how you know." "I have a bond with the baby. I can feel, see and more." "You and Ren are connected for life." I nodded but I had to go. "Leave her, the tribrid is still out." "Damn." My family came after me and trying to help me back when they took my phone. Nik rung Nat. "Hey, we have a situation." "Hey Nik, what happened?" "The tribrid out." "I get Nick, Bruce and Wanda. We will be there in two." 2 minutes later they all came running. Wanda was using her magic, Nat grabbed me and Bruce had to get in my vision or nothing would work. 

"Hey, Angel listen to me. Come back to us." I went limp in their arms and cried. "Don't ever let that happen again." Nick looked at me, "they can stay here for a while." I mouthed thank you. He had to go. They helped me up and we went back to the Cullen's. Nik gave my phone to Bruce before him and the family went home. We reached the Cullen and went in. "Hey, you good?" I nodded and sat on the sofa hugging Wanda. "Hi, I am Natasha, this is Wanda and Bruce." "Nice to meet you all. How do you know Emily?" "She is a soulmate to us. She has 14 soulmates and let say not everyone taking it well." 

"Well, we don't care how many soulmates, we will treat her like our own daughter. She like a sibling to these. I am Carlisle and this is Esme. Then our children Alice, Rose, Edward, Emmett and Jasper. Finally Edward's daughter Reneesme." "Pleasure." Nat crouch in front of me, "sweetie. What do you need?" My hands were trembling when Nat took them in hers. "Do you guys have any chocolate or anything sugary." "I think we do." Bruce put the headphone in my ears while I still held on to Wanda. Nat gave me some chocolate to calm my nerves. 

"We never seen her like this." "She has never gone like this apart from when working because we help fight crime."  "When will you guys be going home?" "In 3 days time and Em will stay home." "No, Nat I am coming home. I need to escape her away from my family." Bruce took the earphones out, "have you told them?" "No but the Cullen's do and they helped me every step of the way." Edward looked at me, "do you want to hold Ren?" I shook my head no, "hey look at us. The other person is gone ok. We will help you." "Ok." They gave me Ren and I sat with her until she fell asleep in my arms. 

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