Part 11

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The next morning, I woke up and got dressed. I came down after brush my hair and cleaning my teeth. I text Beks and Nat to let them know I am ok. I went down and everyone was there. "Morning Emily." "Morning Esme, Carlisle. Thanks for the bed Rose." "Glad it helped." "There is some breakfast on the table." "Thank you." I went to eat then cleaned up. I came back in, "what are your plans today?" "Me and Carlisle have to sit with Sam. Then I am training. Afterwards around 3pm I will see Edward, Bella, Jasper and Jake on the battle field to talk about the plan." "Nice." "Emmett just don't say Nice to me. Just don't bother." They were all confused, "don't worry and Carlisle we better go." "Yes, of course. We will see you all later." We both made our way to Sam's house. 

"SAM!" "Hey Emily, how is our favourite doing?" "Better after what happened but not talking to any of them except Beks." "we better get started." We all went in and sat at the table. They were going over the agreements and then stopped. "What about if there is any fights?" "Emily, we are willing to work with your family but we all have to keep too the terms of the treaty." "Of course, we do. When we hunt we go a long way out so they don't trail back. I haven't hunt for human blood for days." Both of them were shocked, "how? I thought you become weak." "Yeah, well my siblings don't see that. I make sure they hunt and they don't bother about we." 

"Emily, you look a bit pale." "Look, I will hunt enough the day before the fight. I just don't want to risk hurting anyone." I got up and looked out the window. "Emily?" "I have 14 soulmates who fight crimes and save the planet then they have me a Tribrid. What am I supposed to do? They risk their lives everyday and I have to live mine forever unless I am staked with white ash stake or my heart ripped out." "Emily, have you..." "I let my wolf and witch side get the better of me once. Now, I regret it. I had to put a security plan in place so I don't hurt them. I am nothing except a loss causes and that what Nik basically means." 

"Emily, does Aro know about you?" "Yes, he keeps convincing me that I should join them. I have been tempted but when I meet you lot I didn't I thought back." That moment, the pack walked in. Lia Sam's partner came out. "They are in a meeting. Now for you interrupting you can patrol the area for another 2 hours." They all sighed then Jake looked at me. "I am fine Jake. Go." "We can talk later if you want." "Thanks." They all left and Em looked at us, "sorry." "It's alright you didn't know they were going to do that. Anyway, where is the pen so I can resign the agreement?" They handed me a pen and I signed. Both of them followed after. Carlisle and Sam looked at me, "Emily. You know you have us." "I know but what happens in the future there is a big fight. I will have to pick a side because of an incident. That will be hard for me." "It won't come to that. Emily would you like to stay for lunch." "Yes." 

"I will see you soon Sam and Lia I will see you later so we can talk more." Carlisle left and the pack came back. We all sat down and Jake was next to me. "It will be ok." "I know, I have to train after this then around 3 you have to meet me at the place I texted you." "I know or I could stay and keep you company as you have no one from your family." "Beks, is keeping it a secret that I am back until the day of the fight and then I have to leave for work." "Well, whatever happens you make me, Lia and the pack proud even the Cullen's." "Thanks." "Excuse me a moment." I got up and phoned Beks. 

"Hey, I got to be quick but the agreement has been resigned as long as we keep hunting away from this place it is fine. Also, we all help each other in a fight no matter what has happened." Meanwhile, Beks was listening and everyone was trying to hear but she kept it really close to her ear. "Do you think, something could tear us a part in the future?" "Honestly, yes but I need you to stick with the family even if I go against it. Yes, it might take me some time to make it up to you all but whatever happens don't follow my decision. You are better sticking with the family to be on the safe side." "OK, I will see you soon. I love you." 

"I love you too sis." I hung up and sighed. I walked in, "on second thought. Jake just meet me at 3." I ran out the house, changed into my training gear and trained near the battle field. I was first there and Edward, Bella were the last to arrive. "This will be the field we use, thanks to Alice vision." "So we need Bella's scent to stop here. I can teleport from here to the hill site and set everything up. You will have to make your own ways up." "So Jake with your odour you will be able to mask Bella's. "What Jasper means it will cover Bella's scent so they don't track her." Jake lifted her up and Edward looked at them, "run. Run fast." "I am on it." He looked at me. "Go. I will talk later." Jake and Bella disappeared. "Emily, will it work." 

"Look, even if my life is messing me about. It will work if not I will do everything in my power to make it work. Even if it means I injury myself to the point I near death." "Emily, you ok?" "Yeah, I am fine. Jasper check the path." Jasper checked the path and came back. "Nothing." After a while they came back and Bella, Edward left me, Jake and Jasper. "What is going on with you?" "Emily, we aren't stupid. We know something is up." "I will be ok." "No, you look pale. You look like you are starving yourself." "I am not. Let's go Jasper, everyone is waiting for us. Jake I will see you soon." "Emily, there is a bonfire tomorrow you should come." "I will think about it."  We left and went back to the Cullen. Carlisle came over and looked at me. He was checking my colour and temperature. "You need to hunt." "I will. Just not yet."

"Emily, please. We care about you. Yes, we aren't family but you don't look well at all." "I think I will have a lie down." I got on the sofa and fell asleep. "How was the treaty?" "Let's just say. It made me and Sam realise after all this time that Emily need to move on from her Family. She need the space even if they hate her. We will take her in as our own and she can do what she would like." "Is she ok?" "Not really. Her family is affecting her. She won't hunt as she is scared of leashing out on people." Jasper looked at Carlisle, "that why me and Jake notice she is so Pale." Carlisle nodded. "She won't drink anything to the battle." "It is the day before the battle tomorrow." "Yes but she won't drink until after the Bonfire the pack are throwing. They invited her but she is indecisive." "Why can't I see her future? Why can Edward read her thoughts? Jasper can feel her emotions." 

"She used her witch powers and put a force to stop anything entering." "But when she was angry, I could read her mind." "Yes, she wasn't thinking straight that is why." "Carlisle, will she be ok?" He looked at me as they were all standing in the kitchen. "Honestly, I think she is lost and until she fixes herself. She can't let others in as much." Rose came and sat next to me. My phone was ringing and my sister name was up. "Beks?" "Rose, where is you know?" "She is sleeping. What is wrong?" "Nik is hunting her down." "Rose, she isn't feeding. She been starving herself." "It is all my fault. I am usually the one helping her and we go hunting together."

"Beks, don't blame yourself. She is going to the bonfire with the pack then she hunting. Maybe you can go with her so shed does." "Of course, Rose and thanks for looking after her." "IT is fine we will keep an eye out just in case Nik comes." She hung up and looked at her parents. "Nik, is hunting her down." "We will watch."

I woke up and looked at them. "Hey." "Hey, your sister called saying Nik is looking for you but we will keep watch and she wants to go hunting with you tomorrow." "I will text her where to meet me. Thanks Rose." I sat up and Esme brought new a cup of tea over." "Thank you." I was drinking it. Later in the evening, I had dinner and went to have a cold shower. Then that night went to bed.

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