part 12

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The next day I woke up and got changed. "Morning." "Morning Emily. How are you feeling?" "OK but I will go hunting later so I should have my strength." Suddenly, we heard a loud knock. "Oh no. That is Nik and Kol. They are the only who get like this." "Use the back and get to Sam. Explain the situation, you might have to stay there until Rose give you the all clear." I ran out the house and all the way to Sam's door. He saw me and came running over, "what happened?" "Nik happened." "Come and sit down." The pack walked in while Lia was helping me get my breathing back to normal. "Hey fighter." I waved and took a deep breath.

"Better?" "Better. Thanks Emily." "Stay there, I will make you tea." I sat back on the sofa. "What happening Em?" "Well Jake. My brother Nick and Kol decided to come banging on the door as soon as I woke up. He still trying to find me and I didn't even get to eat my breakfast." I rubbed my hands over my face and my phone buzzed. I looked and saw Clint's number. I stood up. "Hey Clint." "Hey, sweetie. You OK because everyone here can we feel your emotions." "Put me on loud speaker." "Love, you on loud." "Hey guys, I know you are really concerned and I will explain when I get back but I need you to stay strong." 

They murmured, "Doll. Please get back in one piece." "Buck, Cap you know I will. I am a fighter. I never back down." I heard Stephen mutter under his breath, "until you can't or get hurt." I sighed. "Look I promise I will explain everything when I am back. Later." I hung up and flopped on the sofa again. "They sound worried." "Yeah but they also put there life on the line as well so I don't see the difference. I spent the day with the pack when I looked at the time. I rung Beks and she was going to meet me. "See you soon. I needs to fuel up." I ran out the house to Beks. 

I saw Finn and Elijah. "Emmy." "Finn, Elijah." I looked at the floor. "We are glad you are OK. Nik being an idiot and use Kol to guilt trip you but we missed you. Can you forgive us." "It wasn't your fault but I forgive you. Let's hunt." We ran miles to go and get our food. We cleaned up and then met with the Cullen's, the pack even Nik and Kol. Only person who wasn't there was Bella and Edward. We went over the plan. Rose grabbed my hand. "Come you have to go with Edward and Bella. You are the only way of getting communication to them. I nodded and said bye to everyone.

We reached the Cullen's house and I stayed awake with the Cullen's. "Thanks for doing this Emily." "Seriously, I had to take some holiday Fury was annoying me." They laughed, "what is it like being an agent." "There is good and bad days but the reward is saving lives and protecting many." "Well, if you are enjoying it then carry on. You deserve to be away from them lot." "Thanks Guys." The next day me, Bella and Edward met Jake on the field. Edward watch Bella and Jake disappear after she put her blood on some of the tree trunks. "I will see you up there." I teleported and reached the site. Moment later, Edward joined me then finally Bella and Jake. Bella hugged Edward. I went over to Jake and hugged him, "thank you." "No problem Loca." I sat down and played with my magic. "You amaze me every time you know." "Shouldn't you be checking the perimeter. " 

"Already have." "Well, I am going to rest." "Night Loca." "Night Jake." I went into my tent and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, the storm started and I heard teeth jittering. I came out and Jake looked at me. I went over to Bella's tent. I walked in and shut the tent. "Emily?" "That is the name. Bella you are like an ice berg. Here." I used my magic and put heating in the room. "I should have picked a site lower down." "It is fine. Also, thanks for the heat." Bella fell asleep and I sat with Edward. "Em, what going on?" "Nothing, just missing people that is all." "You will see them soon." "I know." 

The next morning I was already outside, talking to Seth in his wolf form. Edward was out watching the tree movement. Bella came out, "morning." I nodded then me and Seth walked off. They talked and I saw an angry Jake. I went to follow until I heard what was happening. I came back to Bella and Edward with Seth. "Emily?" "They have started." "What about Jake?" "he just got there and they are all ok." I heard something, "get behind me." "Victoria and Riley. How pleasant." "Wish we could say the same but Emily you know we could just take you to Aro." "Try me." I started to fight and Edward help. I threw Riley to Seth so he could finish him. I managed to kill Victoria and in the process spraining my hand.

I packed the site up and looked at them. "Come we all need to go." i set light to both bodies. I teleported everyone and went to my family. Nik and Kol came up even apologise. I have forgiven all my family. "Emily, why do you flinched when I touched your hand." "No reason." Jake got injured and I ran over. I started to assess. "Right hand side of his body is shattered. Sam get him to Billy's, me and Carlisle will be there soon. The pack carried Jake and Carlisle assessed my hand. "Only a sprain. Here." He wrapped it up for me and we walked back to I stood with my family. Felix, Jane, Alec and Demetri came. 

They talked then they saw me. "Emily, we were wondering where you went." I started to get annoyed and me siblings had to hold me. "Still got your temper." "I still see you got your snobbish uptight behaviour." "Well, Aro would be glad you are ok and please do expect a visit from him soon." I glared at them and tried to get out from my siblings grasp. They smirked and zoomed off. "Em, you need to calm down." Finn looked at Carlisle, "You all need to get out of here or stand in the tree." They all climbed into a tree. I was so mad that I threw my siblings off and started to fight them until I remembered some. I stopped and everyone looked at me. "Jake." 

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