Chapter 7

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"Let us not marvel at our achievement, but rather find humility in what it can teach us. No grander structure of mortal craftsmanship has ever existed. Nevertheless, her forest is far more complex, more perfect, and more breathtaking than anything we could hope to achieve. In that understanding, we remember our place."

Snowstorm: The fifth Grand Seryan, dedicating the Temple of Tranquility

Three years later...

"You're not concentrating. Try again."

The weather was beautiful. The deep blue of the sky was free of clouds, letting the sunshine bathe the shores of the large lake in its warm glow. A light breeze blew through the early season foliage and made the spring flowers dance upon the ground between the trees. There was a small clearing on the southern shore, covered with lush grass and dotted with colorful tulips.

Since her arrival here, Firefly had always been awestruck by how beautiful Tranquility was. Growing up as a young faerie in Windsong, she'd often thought the stories of this legendary place were embellished. After she arrived at the Temple for her training, she learned that they, in truth, hadn't done it justice.

She'd been here for three seasons now but still caught herself distracted by the scenery. The towering waterfall especially stole her attention more than she wanted to admit.

"You're never going to advance if you don't focus yourself," her elven instructor proclaimed. The elf stood only five and a half feet tall, but he still towered over her, as most creatures did.

"Apologies, Master Sunrise," she said with a humble bow of her head. She was hovering in the air at his eye level and a good fifteen paces away. "I will try harder."

Sunrise gave her a warm smile. His skin was as dark as a hickory nut. His short, bright-blond hair spiked up wildly, reminding Firefly of a thorn bush. Like her, he was wearing exquisitely crafted white robes. Made of fine silk, the robes were adorned with dark green stripes that flowed down from the shoulders and across the chest all the way to where the hem almost dragged the ground. The strips were wide, allowing a weave of golden rope to crisscross them from top to bottom.

These were the robes of the acolytes, those from all across the Lands of Order that had sworn their lives in service to the Lady. Following the path of an acolyte wasn't easy, and it wasn't a decision that many were willing to make. It meant a lifetime of worship and reverence. Acolytes owned no property, held no jobs, and most importantly, showed no devotion to any one of the Lady's tribes. For this reason, creatures from all walks of life lived in unity together in the Lady's grand Temple in the land known since the Blight as Tranquility.

Trying to clear her mind, Firefly extended a hand out in front of her. She bowed her head but rolled her eyes up to keep visual contact with her palm. Her fingers twitched randomly, as though poked with tiny needles, but nothing else happened. Growing frustrated, she let out a long exhale. The muscles in her arm tensed and relaxed with her impatience. Finally, a series of sparks popped and crackled just above her palm. The sparks joined together, forming a small ball of fire.

Firefly gasped as she lifted her head suddenly. "I did it!" she shouted. Her excitement broke her concentration, causing the tiny fireball to disappear into thin air.

Sunrise sighed as he shook his head.

"What?" Firefly asked rather childishly. "I did it, didn't I?"

"You did," Sunrise answered. "But your accomplishment just now equals what the others in your class achieved many weeks ago. You still have a long way to go."

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