Chapter 24

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The last thing Zehlyr thought he would be able to do that night was sleep. The rage he felt from losing Azalea still burned brightly within him, but weak with hunger and thirst, there was simply no fighting his fatigue. He and his brother had leaned against the wall of the storehouse. Arguing and fighting with Cherin hadn't done him any favors for conserving energy. Convinced they were in no danger as long as they behaved themselves, sleep at last came to them all.

However, it was far from restful sleep. Comfort was in short supply in the barren patch of forest where they were held prisoner. Between charcoal-covered earth and blackened tree trunks, the wall of the storehouse was truly the most comfortable place to rest. The others seemed to agree. Viyana and Sunrise leaned against the wall on the other side of the back door. With eyes closed and mouths agape, both were fast asleep. Heeska lay flat on the ground near the far corner of the storehouse.

When Zehlyr did awaken in the night, it was with a violent jerk. There was only one dream that came to him each time he drifted away from consciousness. All he could see was Azalea, bound and forced to do the will of that horrible monster, Killika. Her tear-filled eyes were always there in front of him when he shut his own. Her cries were the only sounds he heard carried on the wind. His failure to protect her, to rescue her, haunted his fragile dreams.

The first roll of thunder passed his ears unnoticed. Its low volume wasn't enough to shake him from his nightmares. When the second came, his eyes to flutter for a moment. The next rumbled loudly across the treetops. Zehlyr lifted his head off the wall of the storehouse. It was dark and his vision was blurry. With the stars and moon hidden by clouds, the glow of the fire demons' coal-like skin offered the only light in the forest.

He couldn't make them out but could see where they were by their glow. The demons were pacing back and forth. Their heads were up, turning their bright orange eyes skyward.

"Cherin," Zehlyr whispered with a slight nudge of his brother's shoulder.

Cherin shook his head and groaned in protest. "What is it?" he asked with a grumble.

"Look," Zehlyr said. He pointed out towards the demons. "Something has them distressed."

Zehlyr rubbed his eyes before looking again. This was a very peculiar behavior for the demons. "Do you think it's the storm?" he asked.

"Why would creatures like that be afraid of a little storm?" Cherin asked.

"I can't imagine a being of fire not being affected by rain," Viyana said. She, Heeska, and Sunrise had moved in to where the brothers sat against the wall.

Sunrise crouched down and rested one hand against the back wall of the storehouse. "I hear rain in the distance," he said. "If it passes over us, it could weaken these demons and give us a chance to escape."

"What do you suggest?" Zehlyr asked.

Sunrise looked off to the right. "As long as I can set foot on the living ground, my magic will return. With my power back, I should be a formidable match for these creatures."

"Not for all four," Viyana mentioned.

"She's right," Heeska said. "Besides, you'd have to cross at least forty feet of ground just to reach the line. Those things would be upon you before you even make it to the grass."

"The storehouse isn't on decimated ground," Sunrise said. "If we just duck back through the opening, we could..."

"That opening is small," Zehlyr said, interrupting the elf. "As soon as one of us made it through, the demons would destroy the rest."

Savage Rising: Eternal Forest Saga - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now