Chapter 12

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Riding at full gallop through the trees, Cherin wasn't able to admire the sight of Stonemouth rising up on the horizon. The dwarven city was carved into the side of a high cliff at the edge of the Eastern Mountains. It was a wall of stone, chiseled over the centuries into tall buildings that reached up into the sky. Ladders and bridges crossed between the stone structures like an enormous spider web. Thick, black smoke poured from stone pipes carved to divert it away from the city and up into the air. These were the signs of the dwarves' industrious metalwork shops, housed deep in caves their empire had been built around.

Soon, the marketplace at the base of the mountain came into view. The crowd was so thick it was all but impenetrable. Dwarves, centaurs, and elves were packed shoulder to shoulder amongst the carts and tables. There were creatures from every race in the Lands of Order gathered in the Stonemouth marketplace, and it wasn't hard to see why. The merchant tables were overflowing with food and drink. Baskets were piled high with delicious-looking fruits and vegetables. Large, toasted loaves of bread were heaped into piles, their wonderful smells filling the air. Wine flowed as freely as water. Truly, the Sorceress had done wonders in the dwarven territory. It was a large gathering and a joyous festival, but not anymore.

The sun was still high, just beginning its descent towards the western horizon. Going from a peaceful trot to a full gallop cut quite a bit of time off their journey, and Cherin's aching body felt the pain of every hour saved.

As Viyana and her soldiers reached the base of the mountain, one of her guards blew a long tone from a horn tied to his belt. The sound echoed through the trees and off the stone walls of the city. Movement in the marketplace stopped and all eyes turned to them. Children were gathered close by their parents. Some men and women placed hands on the hilts of their swords and axes, eyeing the newcomers with caution. Cherin knew they'd disturbed their joyous spring day, but not as much as the approaching army was about to.

Viyana's boots were on the ground before her horse came to a complete stop. Cherin and her guards quickly dismounted as well. The horses ran off, but there was no time to tie them up properly. Viyana began racing into the market, waving her hands above her head to get the people to flee. "Everyone, into the city!" she shouted. "Run!" The frightened and puzzled looks she received pained her. Many held out their hands, begging her to stop and explain her actions.

"What is the meaning of this?!" a dwarven merchant shouted, waving a loaf of bread above his head as if it was menacing.

"You all need to fall back!" Viyana shouted. "Retreat to the city! They are coming!" They'd ridden as hard and as fast as possible on the final stretch to the city, but the army was moving swiftly as well. She knew they couldn't possibly have beaten the creatures here by more than a few moments.

"Who is coming?!" a nearby elf demanded.

"Balisekts!" shouted a dwarf as he came running towards the market from down the road. He was sprinting as fast as his short legs could carry him, leaving a trail of tiny dust clouds in his wake. "Run! Run for your lives!" As the dwarf continued to dash down the road, the first wave of the savage army broke through the trees. Thousands of armor-clad balisekts burst from the forest like water through a failing dam, hissing and screeching as they charged.

The marketplace went into pandemonium. Merchant stations were quickly abandoned as the dwarves fled for their cliff-side city. Carts and tables were knocked over. Food and wares trampled underfoot. Visitors from the other tribes ran with them, all fleeing for the safety that their thick, stone walls could provide. The area around Cherin and the travelers from Meadowgold quickly thinned out, but the horde of savages was nearly ready to fill it once again.

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