Chapter 17

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"The power I wield is not my own, for my life is no longer my own. I am Her tool, an extension of Her will. I am powerful because She is powerful, and in my sacrifice, my destiny is bound to Her divine purpose."

The Acolyte Oath

Ever since she'd witnessed the balisekt army's descent upon the city of Stonemouth, Azalea had been haunted by the suspicion they were somehow there for her. It had been three years since she'd woken up in the Savage Lands north of Meadowgold, and she still had no memory of her life before the Phenomenon. Still, she knew her circumstances were tied to the balisekts that had performed the ritual.

Life in the Wilds since their escape had been relatively quiet. Heeska taught both her and Zehlyr how to survive in the uncivilized forest. He taught them how to hunt, how to forage. He taught them how to protect themselves from predators. Each sunrise they had the privilege to see, they owed to him.

Of course, their survival had also been due to Azalea's rather peculiar powers. Food was never in short supply, for she could turn one berry into a berry bush, or a single apple into a bountiful tree, or a barren valley into a magical grove.

Before the attack, the dwarves' feast had been such a joyous ordeal. Though they had been terrified of rejoining any civilized society, she liked helping others. She enjoyed using her power for the benefit of strangers. She was excited to be the guest of honor at their grand celebration. It was a welcome change from living in caves and eating off rocks.

Her heart sank like a stone once she saw the balisekt army descending upon the festivities. Only one thought had plagued her mind as the army and their fire-monster laid siege on the helpless dwarves: could they be here for her? Was she the reason such a terrible fate had befallen this peaceful tribe? Now that her darkest fears were revealed true, it consumed her with grief. As everyone sat on the shore of the small pond, letting the heat of the sun dry them off, she sat by herself against a nearby tree, and sobbed.

"Azalea?" Zehlyr called out softly as he approached her. He knelt beside her on the ground and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"It's all because of me!" she screamed. "The dwarves are suffering and dying because the balisekts are trying to find me!"

"No," Zehlyr replied, trying to calm her as best he could. "It isn't your fault. You can't blame yourself."

"But, it's true!" she yelled again. Her breaths were heavy and her hands were trembling. "I just wanted to use my power to help others. I never asked for them, but I could at least use them for a noble purpose. Now there's so much suffering and death, all because of me."

Zehlyr considered his words carefully. There was truth in Azalea's woes, but it wasn't the whole story; it couldn't be. "Yes, the balisekts were looking for you, but that doesn't mean they sent the whole army to Stonemouth just for that."

"Still a damn fool," Cherin said coldly. His older brother was standing at the edge of the pond, crumpling his shirt in his hands to wring out the water. He gripped the shirt by the edge and snapped it outward, sending a spray of water droplets out to sparkle in the sunlight. "Of course they're here for her."

"Can you not be a complete goblin-brain for just a few moments?" Zehlyr snapped.

"Face it. Whatever those balisekts did to her, it gave her power and they want it back."

"I hate to agree with him, but it does make the most logical sense," Viyana added. The Lady of Meadowgold was sitting alone at the water's edge. With her good hand, she continued holding pressure against the arrow wound in her shoulder. "Just like your balisekt—I mean, Heeska—said, they made a long journey with a large army just to reach Stonemouth. If it wasn't for you specifically, it was indeed for the bounty brought about by your power."

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