Chapter 28

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It took two full days to reach Tranquility. For two, long days, Zehlyr, Heeska, Azalea, Viyana, Sunrise, and Firefly trekked through faerie territory and into the Savage Lands to the south. Though visually similar, crossing the border between civility and savagery carried with it a strange feeling.

Sunrise felt it the greatest. Like the elves, the faeries had a high priestess among them who used the Lady's power to watch over and protect the tribe. With her magic, all lands within the territory held a certain aura. It was barely recognizable when traveling within it, but stepping beyond it was another story.

Since Tranquility's founding after the Great Blight, a road had been cut through the Savage Lands to connect it to the Lands of Order. There had been protesting from the elves and faeries about removing trees in the way, but if they were to get stone from the mountains in order to build the Temple, they would have to compromise. Such ingenuity and perseverance had yielded them a straight road through the forest roughly nine feet across.

As they walked down the road to Tranquility, it was hard to remember that they were passing through unfriendly territory. It was more than just the aura that protected the faerie's territory. Guards patrolled the trees daily and nightly, looking for any signs of hostile visitors. Over the years, the savage tribes such as goblins and trolls had learned to stay clear of the border, and certainly to never cross it.

Here, south of the territory, such protections did not exist. Even on the road, signs of unfriendly activity were visible. There were footprints in the mud, prints not made by any creature from the Lands of Order. Zehlyr cringed as the entire party stepped in and back out of a pair of troll prints where the massive creature had crossed the road. The prints were human-like in shape but were as tall as he was from toes to heel and almost as wide as his sword was long. Silently, he said a prayer that they would never encounter the creature responsible for making those prints.

"Everyone, be sure to put away your weapons," Sunrise said.

"What could possibly make that a wise decision?" Viyana questioned.

"The Lady's Royal Guard will be close," Firefly answered. Everyone had noticed her and Sunrise acting strangely since their escape from Moon-hollow. Firefly was no longer wearing her acolyte attire, and she and Sunrise would not travel close to each other. Neither of them said anything of the matter, and no one else felt it their place to question. "Best not to appear hostile when we approach."

"I can't believe we're almost to Tranquility," Viyana said. The beautiful lake and surrounding forest where the Blight started and ended was legendary throughout the Lands of Order. Viyana had always revered the Lady, but she'd never felt the calling to make a pilgrimage to the Temple. She was happy that she would finally see it with her own eyes, even if it was under terribly grim circumstances.

"Almost there," Azalea said nervously. Her spirit seemed torn in two. Part of her was excited at the chance to feel complete at last, to have answers about her mysterious origins. Unfortunately, those answers would most certainly be taking her away from Zehlyr. She had only the word of her enemy that she was a dryad, but all the evidence was there to support it. If it was true, then it meant she came from another world. It was a world to which she would have to return. It was a place where he could never follow.

"Halt!" declared a centaur as he stepped into the road. He was dressed in gleaming, silver armor, which sat atop fine robes of white and green. The soldier had skin the color of leather and long, black hair tied back tightly. A long spear stood tall beside him in his right hand, and the helmet atop his head looked more like a crown. More soldiers followed him. They came from all walks of life, yet wore the same armor and colors. There were elves, centaurs, humans, dwarves, and faeries, all standing as one and unified by their duty to the Lady.

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