Chapter 11

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"Until that day, I had thought the Lady was just an idea, an imaginary phantom the elves and faeries used to make sense of the world. Stepping into the hidden valley was like crossing into another world. As I beheld the splendors within, I couldn't help but believe."

Journal of Summit, discoverer of the Grove

"I don't like this."

They were close enough to hear the bustling marketplace the dwarves had erected at the base of the city. The sounds of joyous cheers, laughing children, and haggling merchants echoed deep into the trees of the Northern Wilds. It was there that Zehlyr, along with Heeska and Azalea, stood in hiding amongst the deep foliage.

Zehlyr was peering out from between the branches of a small pine tree. He could see a bit of activity from his vantage point. The heads of dwarves passed in and out of his small window, framed with leaves and branches.

There were other creatures, too. He could see elves as well. They were human in shape, but slightly smaller and gaunter looking with long, pointed ears. The occasional torso of a horse let him know there were centaurs with them as well. The occasional faerie zipped by as well, though standing no more than a few inches tall, they appeared more like large insects flying by from his vantage point. Up close, they were a remarkable sight, with elven-like features and beautiful wings.

"I promise, I'll be perfectly fine," Azalea said, putting a hand on Zehlyr's shoulder. The years had changed him quite a bit, and the Wilds had hardened him from a small, timid boy into a stout and capable young man. Learning to be cautious helped to ensure their survival, and it was that same caution he was showing here.

"I have no doubt in your skills, or your ability to handle yourself," Heeska said. Their balisekt companion hadn't changed much over the years. "I simply don't understand why you do not wish us to come with you."

Azalea turned her head to him with a raised eyebrow.

Heeska smiled as he nodded in understanding. "Correction; why you don't want him to come with you."

Azalea blushed a bit. "These dwarves think of me like some great sorceress. They've built lore around me, and none of it involves any mysterious companions."

"We haven't interacted with any tribes since Meadowgold," Zehlyr reminded her. "There are more than just dwarves down there. If there are humans, someone may recognize you and..."

"I promise, I'll stay alert," she insisted. She was wearing the exquisitely made dress the dwarves had brought to her in the Grove. It fit quite well, despite its maker having no measurements to go by. For three, long years, she'd worn nothing but rags and animal skins, and she couldn't let such an exquisite gift go unappreciated. Giving Zehlyr a reassuring smile, she reached a hand up into her wide, draping sleeve, revealing a small dagger hidden within. "You're not the only one with survival skills."

His nerves calmed, Zehlyr wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close. "We will be watching from the shadows," he said.

"I know you will," she responded in kind.

"These will be here if you need them," Heeska said as he laid a sword, bow, and quiver of arrows against the tree. The lizard-man smiled at her. "Now, go and let them meet their Sorceress."


The one thing Sunrise couldn't get used to was the noise. Ever since he and Firefly arrived in the dwarven city of Stonemouth, the noise had been a constant nuisance. He could stand being away from home. Having been born and raised in Moon-hollow, his move to Tranquility had already taught him to find peace in new surroundings. He also didn't mind the crowds. Tranquility often hosted grand events for all the tribes of the Lands of Order. Great feasts or ceremonial events were commonplace at the Temple as many made pilgrimages to revere the Lady.

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