Chapter 32

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"How do we go on after losing such a friend and leader as Shimmer? Her love was as great as the Lady's. Her courage could rival that of an entire army. There is not a soul here today, nor will there ever be, that doesn't owe every breath they take to her."

Grand Seryan Moonflower: eulogy given at Shimmer's funeral.

It took days to make the trek from Tranquility all the way back to Meadowgold. With each territory they passed through, they were met with cheers, songs, and thanks. Each stop found them plenty of food, warm beds, and more peace than they had felt in days. Though it was an easy journey, Azalea and Zehlyr spent it in quiet agony. Each step they took northward was another step towards their inevitable parting.

The fires north of Tranquility died out slowly, leaving behind a ruined forest, blackened and burned beyond recognition. However, even in such destructive aftermath, there was hope. The Lady's forest would revive, just as it always did with time and care. Time healed all and life moved on, but until Azalea was reunited with her section of the forest, it would remain barren.

They arrived back in Meadowgold in the evening. It filled Viyana's heart with joy to see her village still standing. She'd witnessed the sacking of two cities and the siege of Tranquility. Having her people alive and her territory unharmed was the greatest blessing of all. Her people cheered and shouted for joy as she led her fellow weary travelers out of the trees and into the open, rolling hills of the human territory.

It was a triumphant return for others as well. Three years after being chased out as traitors; Zehlyr, Azalea, and Heeska reentered the city as heroes. Smiles and cheers were a welcome change from angry shouts and brandished weapons. Hand in hand, Zehlyr and Azalea took their final walk together through the streets of Meadowgold and into the Savage Lands to the north. Their journey through the trees didn't last long, for soon they opened up again to the Viyanian Settlement.

The settlement was as Viyana had left it days ago. Rows of homes stood unfinished along a dusty road. Tools lay abandoned on the ground. She sighed. She could still remember finding Cherin lying alone in the road, covered in dust and dying of hunger. In her mind she said a prayer, asking the Lady to watch over his spirit, wherever he was.

Off to the north, dry rows of tilled earth lined all the way to the trees, marking all that remained of their failed farm. She looked up. Even with the storm days ago, no rain had fallen upon this land. It truly was cursed, but it would be no longer. Life would return here, but only after one last goodbye.

Zehlyr stepped from the tree line into the unnatural clearing, but Azalea did not. Feeling her hand slip from his, he turned to face her. Her chest heaved with heavy breaths as tears formed behind her eyes. Her bark-covered hand trembled, still reaching out from the point where it had let go of his hand. "What is it?" he asked.

"This is it," she said. "Only one more step and the transformation will begin." Eyes overflowing, her tears raced one another down her face. "This is where we have to say goodbye."

Zehlyr sniffed hard as he nodded. Tears were filling his eyes as well. He'd known for days now that there was no avoiding this, and for days, he'd tried to prepare his soul to deal with the coming loss. He thought he could be strong, but no one could be strong enough for this. "I understand," he said.

"Take care, Azalea," Heeska said as he wrapped his scaly arms around her. His long chin rested on her head as he closed his eyes. "Thank you for your kindness."

"We never would have survived without you," she said in return.

"Azalea," Viyana said. She put her hands on the dryad's shoulders, gripping them lovingly. "Meadowgold and the rest of the forest are in your debt. We will never forget you, and our tribe will watch over your forest for all the days to come."

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