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After a grueling five hours of learning the tattoo fundamentals, Jungkook was worn out. Tattooing is fun and all, but having Taehyung constantly yelling at you about what to do, not so much.

He stumbled out of the back room and collapsed on the couch in the lounge. Jungkook groaned into the black leather before deciding to take a short nap. His eyes fluttered closed and darkness engulfed his sight. 

It was another night where Jungkook's mom brought home some random guy to fuck with. It wasn't out of the ordinary, this happened practically every night. Jungkook cringed as he heard his slut of a mother moaning from her bedroom. 

He was downstairs in the kitchen hoping to find some sort of food to satisfy his raging hunger. He was digging through the nearly empty cabinets when suddenly, the moaning and creaking of the bed stopped. 

Jungkook froze. 

There was shuffling from upstairs. A scruffy man came down the stairs. He reeked of whiskey and cigarettes. He looked to be around his 40's with a slightly greyish stubble. He came down the stairs, Jungkook's mother at the top of them wearing nothing but a red silk robe. 

The man laid his eyes on Jungkook. His orbs were full of hunger and lust. They were hazy due to the sex and the packet of cigarettes he had smoked throughout the day. Jungkook shrunk back trying to avoid the man's permanent gaze. 

The man smirked. "How much I gotta pay to get my hands on this one?" His rough voice echoed deeply in the air. Jungkook's mother frowned harshly. "I didn't fuck with you to have you hit on this piece of shit." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 

The man only chuckled and approached the scared boy. He placed his hairy, grimy hands on Jungkook's waist, Jungkook immediately flinching. "What a cutie. Wonder how you'll look under me screaming my name." 

Jungkook's mother had had enough. "JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!"  Her voice boomed. The man looked back at her one last time before putting on his beat up boots and leaving the house. That was the best thing Jungkook's mom has ever done for him. 

Yet, that was only the beginning. The beatings that followed were probably the worst he had ever gotten. 

The fuming figure of Jungkook's mother came down the steps and mercilessly beat up her son. Punches upon punched were thrown. Blood was splattered across the gloomy kitchen. Piercing words were jammed into his brain like a knife was being repeatedly stabbed into you. 

To top it all off, an empty bottle of beer was thrown at him. Shards of glass stuck to his body like glue. His excruciating screams of pain faded out into silence as he blacked out on the floor. 




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