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The gymnasium was packed with bustling parents and family members. The bleachers were filled with bodies as people frantically tried to find a seat. After all, it was graduation. The sweetest, yet most suffocating, draining event you'll ever attend. You sit there for hours on end until your loved one's name is called and then you have to wait until the whole thing is over to stretch your legs.

That's exactly how Taehyung was feeling, and his long legs weren't helping either. His knees felt like they were locked in one position, but he couldn't move them or he might hit the person sitting in front of him. 'How do people sit through these things? It's horrible!' The blonde complained internally.

They were about an hour into the ceremony, but it felt like years had passed. The speeches were just about over, but the class representative still had to give theirs. She droned on about all of the memories she had made and tried her best to be relatable. She even made a few jokes that weren't all that good, but the crowd laughed anyway out of pity and the fact that they wanted to get out of here more than anything.

'Alright, calm down. We're doing this for Jungkook.' "Dude, chill. I'm suffering just as much as you are." Hoseok groaned from beside him. "Oh, right, you have two boyfriends to sit through this shit for." Taehyung chuckled, scanning the crowd for the familiar brunette.

He was somewhat in the middle section. His hands were fidgeting around in his lap as his leg bounced up and down with anticipation. You could tell he just wanted this girl to shut up and get a move on to the part everyone actually came for.

"Thank you. I wish everyone the best as they step out of their nest and fly into the real world!" the girl spoke, lightly bowing before returning to her seat next to the alumni. "Oh thank God, she's done." the redhead sighed, clapping along with the group.

And, now, the time everyone has been waiting for, the certificate ceremony. One of the alumni members went up to the podium and read off the list. "Ahn Seongmin." Cheers erupted from the audience as the boy made his way onto the stage. He was obviously one of the popular ones, probably because he was so cute. (not me literally in love with the ball of cuteness that is ahn seongmin)

The ceremony continued, the blonde following along with the names in the pamphlet. After a while, Jungkook's name popped up. "Jeon Jungkook." And, if Taehyung and Hoseok didn't clap the skin off their hands, I don't know what you'd call it. Jimin even shouted, "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" at the top of his lungs.

The brunette pinched his nose and shook his head, embarrassed. He strode towards the stage, brushing his slightly clammy hands against his yellow graduation gown. It felt as if time had slowed down as he reached his hand to receive his diploma. Next thing he knew, he was shaking the principal's hand and exiting the stage.

A big moment gone in a blur.

The ceremony seemed to go even slower than before, now. Especially when they got to the K's. Looking down at the list of names, there were a few Kangs and Kwons, but the Kim section was just horrid. Like, how many Kims are at one school? It seems like a billion compared to all the others. Just imagine how the alumni that had to read out all of those names felt.

Once the dreaded K section was over with, it seemed to pick up the pace a little. The redhead and the blonde politely clapped along to most of the names, but Hoseok went batshit crazy when Jimin's and Yoongi's names were called. A couple of people even looked over at him to see if he was mentally stable. He probably isn't, but hey, all the best people are crazy.

After what seemed like ages, the graduation came to a close. The graduates threw their caps into the air creating a wave of golden yellow across the gym floor. The brunette smiled brightly and looked up into the crowd, making eye contact with Taehyung. It seemed as if time had come to a stand-still, like a scene in a drama. The caps falling like snow revealing the sweet smile that the other had longed to see.

The moment soon came to an end as the staff started to escort the graduates out of the gym. "It's finally over!" Hoseok exclaimed, standing up to stretch his legs. "Time to go meet my babies!" "Y'all are just-" "The best throuple ever? Yes. we are." Taehyung opened his mouth to say something else, but restrained himself. "Sure, sure."

On the other hand, Jungkook was this close to having a mental breakdown. He was that anxious. "Jungkook, calm down." Yoongi placed his hand on the jittery boy's shoulder. "I know, I know. I'm just nervous, that's all."

The trio found a nice spot to watch the flow of the audience exit the gym, looking for two people in particular. "Okay, so we let them spot us, and then we go outside to the daisy field as if we're going to take pictures?" Jimin questioned, making sure he had the plan correct. "Yes- oh, shit here they come! Go, go!" Jungkook flinched, spotting the blonde and the redhead in the crowd. It wasn't really that hard when Hoseok was jumping up and down trying to find his 'babies' as he put it.

"Oh, there they are! Wait, where are they going? Hurry up and follow them!" Hoseok pouted, watching the three graduates walk away somewhere. "They're probably going to take pictures, chill." "Well, let's go then!" the redhead proceeded to drag Taehyung away to where the trio went.

The two soon arrived at a large opening of grass, thousands of dainty white daisies lingering in between the dewy grasses. One big oak tree was in the middle of the field, arching over the ground as if it was protecting it. It was an unusually beautiful place for being close to a school. "There they are!" Hoseok pointed at the boys and started to skip towards them, leaving the blonde behind. "This fool..."

Because of his loud ass voice, the group turned around at the sound of Hoseok. Jimin turned back to Jungkook and gave him a tiny wink and a thumbs up before focusing his attention back on one of his boyfriends. "Hobi!!"

The redhead squealed in reply before he was swooped away by both of his lovers, literally flying through the air as Jimin and Yoongi ran, holding Hoseok's arms securely. The blonde chuckled at the three before walking up to Jungkook who was standing under the shade of the large tree, his back facing him.

"Hey." The brunette turned around, the sunlight bouncing off of his skin making him radiate a joyful glow. "Hey," he replied softly, gazing up at the older. They stood there for a while, just staring. No words were exchanged, their eyes speaking for them.

"So, what's your answer?" Taehyung took a small step forward. "Hmm... I'll have to think on it a bit more." Jungkook spoke with a tiny smile. "Oh, really?" the blonde played along, teasing the boy. The brunette took a few steps closer until he was toe to toe with the older.

"Yes. My answer is yes."

Taehyung broke out in a wide smile and picked the boy up from the waist. He spun him around in a circle, joy bursting throughout his whole body. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that." the blonde gently placed the younger down on the ground again.

"I'm finally ready to love you, and I'm very happy." the brunette spoke, wrapping his arms around the older's neck, bringing their foreheads together. The two stood there smiling like idiots, heads glued together. The slowly setting sun turned the world a deep gold, sunbeams dancing off of the daisies as the two embraced sweetly.

"I know you might not be ready to say it, but I want you to know that I love you." Taehyung whispered, slightly tightening his grip around Jungkook's waist. "I know you do, and I thank you for that. Thank you for loving a broken boy like me."


wrote this last chap while listening to everglow by coldplay and I nearly cried. so sad to see this book go, but i couldn't stop smiling while writing it. thank you all for reading! i love and appreciate all of you!

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