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"This is the one and only time I'll ever say this, but help." Yoongi said to his best friend. It was prom night and the mint haired boy was internally freaking out. I mean, he was going to prom with the Park Jimin, one of the sexiest cuties on the planet. How could he not be nervous?

"Awww, buddy, don't worry. I'll make you look like a hundred bucks. Well, maybe 99, but we'll see." Jungkook said, scanning his friend up and down to get a mental picture of what he was working with.

"Follow me." The mint haired was then dragged to his own closet. It was more like a sea of black garments, but it's the hand the artist turned temporary designer had been dealt. "Do you have any color in your life, like, at all?"

"No. Maybe Jimin. Other than that, no." "How sweet." the brunette gagged, turning his attention back to his friend's closet to try and find the perfect outfit for Yoongi to wear. "Just pick anything, Jimin's gonna look better than me anyway."

The pink haired had been adamant about the two boys not even taking a peek at his prom outfit. He had collected the bags yesterday and was keeping them safe in his locker at school. He still didn't feel comfortable taking them home because his siblings were just batshit crazy.

"I can't just pick anything. We have to make it look like you actually tried to look good for your date." Jungkook argued while shoving hangers aside. "Wow! A white button up! The only thing that isn't black in here." he sarcastically remarked, unhooking the shirt and tossing it on the bed lightly.

"Since everything else is black, just wear some basic slacks and a suit jacket. You'll be fine." "But isn't that too basic?" the older contradicted which made the other groan. "Fine! We'll be audacious and different cause 'you're not like other guys.'"

The brunette got back to work and fished through the ocean of black attire this man's closet was. He threw a simple turtleneck behind his back along with a long hooded cardigan. He picked out some fitting black slacks with thin white stripes on them giving them a stylish pattern.

"Alright, put this on." the designer spoke, before going to check out his friend's shoe collection. "Ooh~ these would go nicely." Jungkook pulled out a pair of white air force 1's with a smile. "Don't wear socks, showing your ankles is hot nowadays."

"Damn, okay." the mint haired sighed before going into the bathroom to change. He came out a few minutes later dressed in his outfit. "This actually looks good." Yoongi mumbled with a small, cat-like smile. "I know, I picked it out." "Let me just kill you right now."

"Uh, I think not. Anyway, here are your shoes. Let me pick out the jewelry real quick." Jungkook swiftly moved to look at the jewelry Yoongi had which was mostly silver. The brunette picked out several chains, a couple rings, a hoop earring for one ear, and a long, dangle earring for the other.

Yoongi placed the chains over his head and positioned them neatly over his turtleneck. He randomly put the rings on his fingers and inserted the earrings into his ears. "Yes! This is it. Casual, sophisticated, sexy. Not those basic suits that everyone else will be wearing." Jungkook admired his work with a satisfactory grin on his lips.

"I wonder what Jimin is going to wear..." Yoongi let out a breath, imagining what his boyfriend will look like when he walks through the doors tonight. "Something spectacular and extra, I imagine. With the amount of time he took shopping, it better be worth it." Jungkook rolled his eyes, thinking back to how his precious time was wasted being dragged around the mall by his new friend.

"'It sucks you're not going with us, Kooks. It would be a lot more fun with you there." "And, have to witness you two loving up on each other the whole time? That's a hard pass from me." Jungkook denied with a laugh. "Try and at least get out. Talk to someone so you won't get bored."

"Is that your way of kicking me out of the house for the night because you plan to come back here with Jimin?" the mint haired didn't expect this response and choked on air. "What is up with you and choking? My gosh." "Oh, shut up. And to answer your question, yes, I'm kicking you out. Go sleep on the streets, you hobo."

The older male walked downstairs to wait for a little bit. He sat down on the couch comfortably, feeling somewhat confident. "Alright, Mr. mafia boss. Have a good time. I shall try to not be here when you arrive." Jungkook chuckled as he walked down the stairs.

"Uh huh." Yoongi dismissed the boy and checked the time. "Well, I should get going. You'll be okay, right?" "Yeah, I'll be fine." the brunette rushed out, a little sadness in his tone which Yoongi picked up on. "Are you sure?" "Yes! Now go."

The mint haired walked to the door looking back at the boy with sad eyes. "Talk with Taehyung. You haven't had a real conversation with him in months. I know I'm not your therapist, but I'd say you're mentally doing way better. At least well enough talk to the guy. It's almost like you left him on read, just reply already." He smiled before leaving the house.

The brunette was left to contemplate the offer. It was true he hadn't talked to the blonde in months, unless it was related to work. He knows how excited Taehyung would get whenever the boy went over to talk to him only to disappoint him when it's about work. Yoongi was right. He's been leaving the poor guy on read.

'Maybe it's time I replied.'


2021 is already a mess, but, hey my b-day was 2 days ago so that's good! 

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