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The next day, the newly formed trio went back to hell to endure another day of required, treacherous learning. "Oh, my actual fucking god. I thought she would never shut up!" Jimin whined as soon as their last class was over.

"She nearly made my ears bleed!" "You can say that again. Mrs. Lee drones on forever." Yoongi agreed while groaning. "I kinda feel bad for her husband." Jungkook commented quietly to which the other two laughed.

"I brought my car today, so we can just go straight to the shop." The mint haired spoke, Jimin and Jungkook following him to his vehicle before the three drove off to the familiar tattoo parlor, the place almost like a second home.

As usual, Hoseok and his bright smile greeted them when they entered the shop, a half-eaten bagel topped with an excessive amount of cream cheese resting in his hand. When they were fully inside, Jungkook signaled Yoongi over to him.

"What is it?" Yoongi asked the brunette. "Can you talk to Jimin today? And, make sure you guys don't come back here. I'm gonna talk to Taehyung after work." Yoongi glanced over at Jimin who was delving into a seemingly fun conversation with Hoseok.

"I think I can keep him occupied." Jungkook looked over at the two as well. "Maybe you should bring Hoseok too. He deserves to know." Yoongi gave Jungkook a sad smile. "Alright. I'll see what I can do."

The mint haired proceeded to awkwardly walk over to the two males. How the hell was he meant to strike up a conversation, let alone the topic of it? Was he just supposed to be all like, "Oh, sorry to bother you, but Jungkook wanted you guys to know that he was abused by his mom for 2 years after his dad died and he ran away from home to escape the abuse. Okay, nice talking to you, bye."

Of course not.

And, luckily, Yoongi knew better than to do that, too. He just has to somehow get Jimin and Hoseok away from the shop until closing time. Should be simple enough, right?

The happy duo smiled at Yoongi when he approached them. "Hey, Yoongi! What's up?" Jimin asked, running a hand through his pink hair out of habit. The mint haired's mouth went dry for a second before he snapped back into reality and remembered why he had to talk to them in the first place.

"Oh! Um, well, you see, I was wondering if I could borrow you two for a while? There's something I need to talk to you guys about." Yoongi spoke with a serious expression, causing worried glances to be sent between Jimin and Hoseok.

"Is everything all right?" The red headed boy asked, concern swirling in his onyx eyes. "Yes, it's just a serious topic." "My shift is over in a few minutes. We can leave then."

Yoongi nodded his head and looked over to the brunette who was fidgeting in his seat, his leg bouncing nervously, lip caught in between his teeth. He happened to glance up at the mint haired who gave him a small thumbs up.

Jungkook smiled at his best friend, eternally grateful that he has an amazing guy like him in his life. Even when it turned to complete shit, he was always by his side. He must the luckiest guy in the world to have the Min fucking Yoongi as a friend. 


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