The Support of a Best Friend

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At lunch, Lily and Diana are getting some food at the school cafeteria and went to sit together, near a table filled with school jocks. One of them, noticed Diana. "Hey, Lily, who's your friend?", he asked. Lily looked at him. "Diana.", she replied. "Lily, who's that?", Diana asked.

"That's Leo, my twin brother. He's a popular school jock and captain of the high school football team.", Lily replied. "Are you popular as well?", Diana asked. "Yep, I'm the captain of the high school cheerleader.", Lily replied.

"Oh, cool.", Diana replied. "Do you cheerlead?", Lily asked. "Oh no, I never done cheerleading before.", Diana smiled. "Doesn't you old school have cheerleading?", Lily asked. "No, I was homeschooled.", Diana replied. "What? You were homeschooled?", Lily asked.

"Yes, for 11 years.", Diana replied. "11 years? You were homeschooled since you were 6?", Lily asked. "Yes. I left and quit school when I was 6.", Diana sighed. "You quit school? Why?", Lily asked. "My parents split up when I was 6, my mom left my brother and I with our dad.", Diana replied. "Oh, I'm sorry.", Lily replied.

"No, it's ok. My mom's abandonment took a toll on my brother, he had depression for a few weeks, and it hurt me to see him like that. Anyways, as the only woman in the house, I stepped in. I quit school, I stayed at home, looking after my dad and brother and did all the housework, cleaning, cooking and made huge sacrifices for my brother.", Diana sighed.

"Wow, it must have been hard for you. You left everything for your brother at such a young age. I've never imagine what you have gone through.", Lily sighed. "Yep, I spend 11 years, doing what my brother needs. I had to miss my childhood and grow up into an adult fast. Now, Damon is a doctor and he had enrolled me here, as he wants to do something for me, after I took care for him.", Diana sighed.

"Diana, you are the bravest girl I've met and you have so much love and courage in you.", Lily sighed. "Thank you.", Diana smiled. After enjoying lunch together, the two went to their afternoon classes, until school was over.

As the school bell rang, it was home time, and Diana and Lily walks out of the school together. "I hope you enjoyed your first day back at school.", Lily replied. "I did, and thank you for being my friend today Lily.", Diana smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow, out here?", Lily asked.

"Yep, sounds good.", Diana smiled. Then Damon arrives to the school, with his car, to pick Diana up. "Diana!", he called out. Diana and Lily looks at him. "That's my brother.", Diana replied with a smile. Lily waves at Damon, who waved back. "I'll see you tomorrow.", Diana smiled, as she waves goodbye to Lily and walks to Damon.

Diana runs and hugs Damon, as Lily watched with a smile. Then, Leo came out and saw them. "Who's that guy with your friend?", Leo asked. "Her brother.", Lily replied. "You're ready to go home?", Leo asked. "Yep.", Lily smiled. "Come on, kiddo.", Leo smiled, as he takes Lily's bag and they left together.

Damon and Diana kept on embracing. "Miss you.", Damon replied. "Miss you.", Diana smiled. "How's your first day at school?", Damon asked. "Pretty good, I made a friend.", Diana smiled. "I know and I'm so happy for you.", Damon replied. Diana smiles at him and Damon smiled too.

"Come on, let's go home.", Damon sighed. Diana smiles and nods before they got into his car and drove back home.


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