The Future of Life

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13 years later, things have changed a lot since Leo and Diana tied the knot. The couple has a son named Liam, who is 13 years old, and they tried their very best to raise him and have a wonderful life, as Diana doesn't want him to live the same way like she and Damon did.

Damon and Courtney are still happy together, and their daughter, Rebecca is now 15 years old, and dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

Ben and Lily are still together, and they have twin sons named Cole and Cooper, both 12 years old and an adoptive daughter named Bethany, who is 13 years old, same age as Liam.

But sadly, Richard and Mary had passed away a year ago, leaving Damon and Diana devastated. Every year on the anniversary of their death, both Damon and Diana visit their parents' graves, and they would spend hours, staying at their graves.

One late afternoon, as the sun is about to set, Diana was in the living room reading a book, until she receives a text message from Leo, who asked her if she wants to take a drove and stroll with him. She replied yes and Damon drove to her apartment to get her.

They drove around New York City, took a walk around Central Park, ate at their favourite diner and of course looked at the beautiful skyline of New York at the Empire State Building. "It's so beautiful isn't it?", Damon asked.

"Beautiful as always, Damo.", Diana sighed. The two siblings look at each other and then they both smiled. "I love you.", Diana replied. Damon smiled at those three beautiful words. "I love you too.", he sighed, as he and Diana embrace and looked at the sunset.

Then the story sets back into the present, where Duke ends his story to Daisy. "Did they live happily ever after, Grandpa?", Daisy asked. "Of course, sweetheart, of course.", Duke smiled. "I love it.", Daisy smiled. "I'm glad you do.", Duke smiled, stroking his granddaughter's face.

"Come on, there's something I want to show you.", Duke replied, as he and Daisy got off the bench and walk off, holding hands. They arrive to a local cemetery, and stood to one of them and in front it says "Diana Rose Maxwell-Donovan".

It turns out that Duke is actually Damon and Diana had sadly died 5 year ago, before Daisy was born. "Who's Diana, Grandpa?", Daisy asked. A tear fell from Damon's eyes. "She was my little sister, and your great-aunt. She would've loved you, if she met you.", Damon cried.

"What was she like?", Daisy asked. "She was very beautiful, kind, loving and brave.", Damon sighed. "Do you miss her, Grandpa?", Daisy asked. "Yes, I miss her. I miss her every single day.", Damon cried. "I wish I would've meet her.", Daisy sighed. "I know, me too.", Damon sighed.

Then a hand appeared from Damon's behind and held his hand. It was Diana's spirit, who stood in front of Damon. "Can you see her, Grandpa?", Daisy asked. "No, I can't see her.", Damon sighed. Then Diana's spirit came close to Damon, and kisses his forehead. "But I can feel her.", Damon cried, as he felt Diana's kiss.

Then a female voice called out for Daisy. "Daisy!", she cried. Daisy turned and there was a woman standing from a far distance from them. It was Rebecca, Damon's daughter and Daisy's mother. "Mommy!", Daisy cried, running to her mother, as Damon continues to stand by Diana's grave.

Damon rest his hand on Diana's gravestone, and sighed. "Goodbye, Diana.", Damon sighed. Diana's spirit smiled and she fades away. Daisy runs back to her grandfather. "Come on, Grandpa!", Daisy cried, holding onto his hand.

"Alright, let's go.", Damon smiled, as he took Daisy's hand and they walked out of the graveyard together...


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