Love on a Cruise

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That night, after arriving to Las Vegas, the cruise held a formal casino theme dinner and party, and Diana and Lily knew it's time for them to dress up in fancy dresses, while Ben and Leo wore tuxedos. After having a fancy formal dinner, the four friends head to the party, where they dance.

Diana and Leo sat down to have a drink, while Ben and Lily were still dancing. "Those two look cosy.", Diana replied. Leo looks and to his shock, Lily and Ben were making out on the dance floor. "", Leo cried. "Well, let's leave them be.", Diana replied. Leo and Diana laugh as they kiss.

"Wanna get out of here?", Leo asked. "Sure.", Diana replied. Leo takes Diana's hand and they left the party, and Lily and Ben behind, who are still making out at the party. Leo and Diana return to their cabin rooms, whilst still making out. Diana scan her cabin room door, and they went inside.

They fell onto Diana's bed and continue to make out. Diana began to unbutton his shirt, but Leo stops her. "Diana, stop. Hold on.", Leo whispered, holding her wrists. Diana looks up at him. "Are you sure about this?", he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. But the question is, are you?", Diana replied. Leo looks at her and made her lie on the bed, with him on top of her. "I am.", he sighed, as they made out again and began to take off each other's clothes.

The next thing, they know, they were making love for the first time and Diana lost her virginity to Leo, and he lost his to her. The next morning at sunrise, Diana woke up after sleeping with Leo, who was still sleeping right next to her. Diana looked at the ripped back of the condom, near her nightstand and smiled.

"I guess I do thank you, Damo.", she sighed to herself. Diana and Damon joins Ben and Lily, who at the buffet breakfast. "Yo, Damo! This gourmet, breakfast buffet is sick!", Ben cried. "What?", Diana asked. Lily laugh at Ben's words.

"Ben has too much bacon at breakfast.", Lily sighed. Ben place his hand on Lily's leg and she place her hand on his hand. Leo and Diana noticed it. "Ben?", Leo asked. "Yeah?", Ben asked. "Are you and my sister...?", Leo asked.

"Yeah, last night, we saw you two making out on the dance floor.", Diana replied. "Yep.", Ben smiled, holding Lily's hand. "Ben and I are together.", Lily smiled, as Ben kisses her hand. "Since when?", Diana asked. "Last night, at the party.", Lily replied.

"Well, I'm happy for you, Lils.", Leo sighed. "Thank you, Leo.", Lily sighed. Leo looks at Ben with a serious face and does the hand signal, of pointing two of his fingers at his eyes and at Ben's, meaning that he's got his eye on him, if he mistreat Lily. Ben nods, and gulps. Leo and Diana laugh and the four friends went to enjoy their second day of the cruise trip.

4 days later, it was the last day of the school cruise trip, where the cruise arrived to it's final destination, Denver, Colorado. On the final night of the trip, Diana and Lily at the massage and spa, trying to enjoy a relaxing evening before returning home the next day.

After a relaxing evening at the massage and spa, Diana and Lily went to sleep, as the cruise departed Denver to sail back to New York. At late night, Diana couldn't sleep, and so she left her cabin room and went for a walk around the cruise ship.

She walk across the cruise's pool and hot jacuzzi and noticed Leo, in there. She approaches to him. "Can't sleep?", she asked. Leo look behind and saw her as he smiles. "Yeah? You can't sleep either?", Leo asked. "No.", she sighed.

She takes off her slippers and sat on top of the jacuzzi with her feet in the hot water. "What's wrong?", Leo asked. "I'm just nervous about going home.", Diana sighed. "Why?", he asked. "I don't know what will happen when I come back.", Diana sighed.

"You're worried that your mother will try to come back and make things right for you and Damo?", Leo asked. "Yeah, she makes me so angry sometimes. But doesn't she remember she left us and our father when I was only 6. She hurt Damon's feelings and she ruined my life.", Diana replied.

"You don't mean that.", Leo replied. "Yes, I do.", Diana replied. "No, you don't. I know you don't.", Leo sighed. "Leo, she was out of my life for 11 years, I grew up without a mother!", Diana cried. "I know, but listen Diana. Your mom may have left you all those years ago, but now she's back in your life. She's trying to reconnect with you and Damo.", Leo replied.

Diana sighed with annoyance. "Just give her a chance to explain and listen to what she has to say. Because every child loves their mom no matter what, and they always need a mother by their side. Can you?", Leo asked. "I guess I can try.", Diana sighed, as she looks at him and he smiles at her.

Leo move closer to Diana, as she leans down to his face. "You are so beautiful.", he sighed, as he wrap his arm around her waist and gently pull her into the jacuzzi with him. Diana didn't resist and allows him to pull her in.

In Leo's arms, Diana felt safe with him and she kisses him. "Leo?", she asked. "Yeah?", he asked. They look at each other for a while and Diana smiles at him. "Nothing.", she sighs as he smiled at her and they kiss again and it turns into an intimate and passionate make out.

Later, the two went the jacuzzi and walked up to their cabin rooms, together hand-in-hand with a smile. As Diana goes to her cabin room, Leo stops her. "Uhh-uhh-uhh.", he replied, as he pulls Diana back to him and they kiss once more.

"Goodnight, Diana.", Leo sighed. "Goodnight.", she sighed, as they both walked backwards to their cabin room and Leo goes into his room, while Diana went into hers and lay back in bed with a smile, before going to sleep.

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