The Cruise Trip

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It's been 11 months since Diana had returned to school after spending 11 years, being homeschooled and staying at home to care for her home and family. Today, is December and it's almost the end of the year of school.

As Graduation Day is months away, the 12th Grade students of Townsend Harris High are so excited for the annual Townsend Harris Cruise Trip, as they spend their final days together before going to college next year.

Diana was so excited that she's going away on a cruise with Leo and Lily, and it's also her first trip that she's ever going without her family. On the night before her departure, Diana was packing her bags for the trip, and Damon came in.

"I can't believe you're really going.", Damon replied. "Damo, it's only for a week. I'm just cruising in America, nowhere else. "You never been away.", Damon replied. "I know, but don't worry. I have Courtney come over and cook all of your meals.", Diana replied.

"What?", Damon asked. "You need someone to cook for you and Dad while I'm away, and so I called Courtney and she's happy to do it for me.", Diana replied. "I wish I could come with you.", Damon replied. Diana laugh at his words. "It's a school trip, Damo. You can't come with me.", Diana replied.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding.", Damon smiled, as he pet her head, like a dog. Diana quickly move his hand off her head. "I'm a human being, not a dog.", Diana cried. Damon laugh at her words, and so did she. They hug for a long time. "I'm so proud of you.", Damon sighed. Diana looks at him. "My little sister.", he sighed as they embrace.

The next day, Damon, Courtney and Richard drove Diana the harbour, where all of her 12th Grade group are, waiting to get onboard the Harmony of the Seas, one of the best cruise ships of the Royal Caribbean. "Wow, that's one big cruise ship.", Richard replied.

"I guess this is it.", Diana replied. Richard hugs Diana goodbye first. "Have fun, sweetheart. You deserve this.", Richard sighed. "Thanks, Dad.", Diana smiled, still hugging her father. Then, Courtney hugs Diana. "Enjoy this trip, Diana and don't worry about Damo and your Dad, I'll take care of them, while you're gone.", Courtney replied.

"Thank you Courtney, and I know you will look after them for me.", Diana sighed. Then lastly, Diana hugs Damon. Richard then signals Courtney to give Damon and Diana some privacy as they had a sibling goodbye.

"I got something for you, just in case if you and Leo do something unexpected.", Damon replied, handing Diana a big envelope. Diana was confused, as she opens it, and to her horror, she finds a bunch of condoms inside. "Damo! What is this?!", Diana cried. "Just in case of you and Leo go through there.", Damon replied.

"Damo, I really appreciate this, but I don't need these!", Diana replied. "Diana, I know that students lose their virginities in this trip, and I want you to be safe.", Damon replied. Then the announcer announce the final call for the last on broad for Harmony of the Seas.

"Just take them, you'll thank me later. Now go and enjoy yourself. I'll see you next week.", Damon replied, as they share one last hug, before Diana leaves to join Leo and Lily. Diana gets her bags in before joining her friends."Hey, guys!", Diana replied.

"Hey, Diana! We're about to check our cabin room number and our roommate that will be sharing the cabin room.", Leo replied. Diana joins them to check the number of her cabin room and roommate.

Lily and Diana were shocked that they have the same cabin room number, meaning that they're roommates and that they'll be sharing the same room for the entire trip. "We're roommates!", Lily cried, Diana was happy too as they hug.

"What about you Leo?", Lily asked. "I have Ben.", Leo cried. Leo's best friend, Ben Nolan came to check and was stoked that he has Leo as his roommate. "Yay!", Ben cried, as he and Leo hug. "You're ready?", Ben asked. "Yes!", Lily smiled.

The four friends then goes onboard the cruise and get their cabin room keycards. "We're all on the same level and opposite to each other!", Lily cried. The four friends embrace as they went to the level of their cabin rooms and checked out their rooms.

Diana and Lily love their cabin room, it has two beds, a TV, a small bathroom and a small closet. After that, the two joined Leo and Ben to explore the cruise ship. Later that afternoon, the cruise ship departs New York and is sailing off to Los Angeles.

Diana, Lily, Leo and Ben enjoy their first dinner together at the cruise's restaurant and they order a 3-course meal of their choice. They later went to bed. The cruise arrives to Los Angeles, and the four friends decided to spend the day in L.A., at Disneyland.

They went on rides, eating nice food, taking photos and selfies, meeting Disney characters and bought a few stuff from gift shops. They stayed until late at night, as the Disneyland Castle ends the evening with fireworks. After a long and wonderful day, the four friends return to the cruise and have a sleep, as the cruise is ready to head to Las Vegas.

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