The Tragedy

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A week later, Diana decided to go out for the day, by driving into the city, and listen to music on her way, through Time Square. However, as she was driving, another car out of nowhere was driving on the wrong side of the road and deliberately drives in front of her.

Diana saw the car heading her direction, she tried avoid it by turning and moving the car, but it was too late. The car crashed and collided, rolling it over several times, leaving Diana's car upside down. The other car was also upside down too. Witnesses immediately called 911 and bystanders rush in to help.

One of those bystanders was Leo and Ben, who just came out of a movie theatre. "Oh my god!", Leo cried, as he and Ben runs to the car. Ben looked and found Diana in the car. "Leo! It's Diana!", Ben cried. Leo went to Diana's side. "Diana!", Leo cried.

"Leo! Help me, I'm scared!.", Diana cried. Leo held onto Diana's hand and her head. "Don't worry, you'll be ok. Help is on the way.", Leo replied. "Call Damo.", Diana sighed, giving her phone to him. Leo nod, taking the phone in his hand and quickly calls Damon. "Damo, it's Leo. Get to Time Square, it's your sister.", Leo replied.

Minutes later, the fire department and ambulance arrive to the crash site, and so did Damon and Courtney. "Oh my god!", Courtney cried, as she and Damon quickly got out of the car and run to the crashed car. "Damo, over here!", Leo cried, as the couple runs to Diana, who is still trapped inside the car.

"Diana!", Damon cried, when he saw his sister. "Damo!", Diana cried, as Damon rushes to her side. "It's ok, Di. I'm here!", Damon cried. "I'm scared!", Diana cried, as she was crying uncontrollably.

Damon tried to calm his sister down. "I know, but listen to me. You need to stay calm and don't move. They'll get you out.", Damon replied. Then the firefighters arrive to the car. "What do we got?", one of them asked.

"A female, age 17, she's conscious, but her seatbelt is jammed.", Courtney replied. "We need to get her out now!", Damon replied. "Damo, what's going on?", Leo asked.

"The pressure of the seatbelt is increasing Diana's heart, we have to get her out before she gets into cardiac arrest.", Damon replied. "What do we do?", Ben asked.

"We wait until the firefighters are able to free her, but if we pull her out without the fire rescue equipment, she will die.", Damon replied. Leo was horrified, fearing for Diana, who is fighting for her life. The firefighters grabbed their cutting gear and start cutting the car door apart.

Damon stayed by Diana's side, while Ben and Leo stepped away to let the firefighters do their jobs. Ben comforts a worried Leo. "She'll be ok.", Ben sighed, as Leo look on. Minutes later, the driver of the other car was free and was taken to hospital.

"You're going great, Diana. You're almost out.", Damon replied. "I don't want to die.", Diana cried. "You're not going to die.", Damon replied. "Is this thing almost done?", Damon called out. "Almost.", one of them replied. Damon kept on calming Diana down. "Look at me. I promise you, I'm not going anywhere, until you're out of this car.", Damon replied.

Diana suddenly went in and out of consciousness, and her vision starts blurring and her hearing of other people's voices started to distorted, and she passed out cold while still hanging upside down and her heart rate flatlines. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Diana!", Damon cried, shaking his sister, but no response.

"She's going into cardiac arrest! We need to get her out now!", Damon cried. "You said she'll die if we pull her out without the equipment!", Leo cried. "We've got no choice! She will die, if we don't get her out!", Damon cried, as a firefighter cut Diana's seatbelt, finally freeing her and Damon carries Diana's unconscious body out.

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