A New, Happy Life

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It's been a month since Diana has returned to school and made new friends. Things have changed a lot throughout the month. Diana enjoyed her life in school, being close with her best friend, Lily and getting along with Lily's brother Leo and his best friend, Ben.

For Damon, he is now an official doctor and is in a relationship with Courtney Kane, a nurse from the same hospital where he works. Diana was happy that Damon has finally found love and accepts her brother's relationship with Courtney.

One day, after school, Diana texted Damon that she won't be home, as she'll be studying in the school library after school, and apologises that she won't be about to make him something for dinner. He replies that it's ok, as he'll be out with Courtney. As Diana studies, someone came up to her. It was Leo.

"Hey, Diana.", Leo greeted. "Oh hey, Leo.", Diana smiled. "Mind if I join you?", Leo asked. "Sure, go ahead.", Diana replied. Leo sits down and open his books. "What are you doing here?", Diana asked. "Studying.", Leo replied. "Same here.", Diana smiled. Diana looks around. "Where's Lily?", Diana asked. "She went home. Ben drove her.", Leo replied.

"So, you normally come here and study after school?", Diana asked. "Yeah, I sometimes like to do my work in the afternoon, rather than doing at home in the evening, bc I hate studying late at night.", Leo replied.

"I see.", Diana smiled, as she and Leo continues studying until it was night time. Diana closes her books and laptop, so did Leo. "What a day! I better get home, or Damon is going to wonder where I am.", Diana replied. "Yeah, wanna get something to eat before you head home?", Leo asked.

"Sure.", Diana replied. They went to a local diner that opens 24/7 and they had burgers and fries with milkshakes. "Lily told me that it's just you, your brother and father.", Leo replied. "Yeah, my mom left us when I was 6. She abandon us for her career.", Diana sighed. "You're kidding?", Leo asked. "No, I'm not. She chose her career over us.", Diana sighed.

"Oh, Diana. I am so sorry.", Leo sighed. "No, it's ok. I'm not hiding it, it's good to express how I feel about it.", Diana sighed. "Must have been hard for your dad.", Leo replied. "Yeah, it was. But it was hard for Damon, more than it was for my dad. Damon wouldn't stop crying after she left.", Diana sighed.

"What happened after that?", Leo asked. "I stepped in, became the head of the house. I left school, to care for Damon and our dad. I did all the hard work and let Damon have a childhood.", Diana sighed. "Wow, that's tough, and it's brave of you, for what you did.", Leo replied. "Yes, it was.", Diana sighed.

"You must miss your mom a lot?", Leo asked. "Sometimes, but mostly I'm angry at her, and kept on wondering why she left us and why she never wrote one, single letter to us.", Diana sighed. "Maybe she was too afraid.", Leo replied. "Afraid of what? She has failed my dad, she failed my brother and she has failed me. She failed to be a mother, and failed to be a wife.", Diana cried.

"I know, but she's still your mom, and you'll never know. She'll write to you someday, and maybe she'll come back and see you again.", Leo sighed. "I don't know. It's been 11 years since I've seen my mom. She missed everything on Damon. His birthdays, his high school graduation and his college graduation.", Diana sighed.

"She even miss everything on you too.", Leo replied. Diana looked at him and they smile. Later, Leo droves Diana back home and parked his car outside her house. "Thanks for the ride.", Diana replied. "No worries. Hey, you'll be ok.", Leo smiled. "I know.", Diana smiled, as she gets out of the car and walks inside the house.

That night, Diana was lying in bed, about to go to sleep, until Damon came in. "Hey.", he replied. "Hey.", she smiled. "Mind if I join you?", Damon asked. "Sure.", Diana sighed, as Damon walks to her bed and sit with her. Diana cuddles into his arms. "How was your day?", Damon asked. "Tiring.", Diana sighed, as she yawned.

"I can tell.", Damon smiled. "How's Courtney?", Diana asked. "She's going great. She and her family are going to come over for dinner this weekend.", Damon replied. "Oh, ok. I can make something nice for everyone.", Diana replied. "Really? Tell me.", Damon smiled. The two sibling discuss on the weekend dinner plan until it was time for bed.

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