Leo's Proposal

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2 weeks later, Diana was at her locker, getting her books ready for her afternoon class before the end of school, when Leo came by. "Hi, Diana.", Leo replied. This startled her, as she bang against the locker. "Oh, hi.", Diana smiled.

"What are you doing?", Leo asked. "Just getting my books ready for the last 2 periods.", Diana replied. "So, you doing anything tomorrow afternoon?", Leo asked. "Um, no. Not really. Why?", Diana asked. "I was wondering if, you want to hang out.", Leo replied.

Diana is shook. "Are you asking me on a date, Leonard?", Diana asked. Leo was blushing and he gulped. "Well, uhh. Yeah, yeah. I am.", Leo replied. "Then yes.", Diana smiled. "What?", he asked. "Yes, I'll love to go on a date with you.", Diana replied.

"Cool, I'll see you tomorrow at 11am?", Leo asked. "Sounds good.", Diana smiled, as she leaves to go to class, while Leo does a successful victory move with joy, as he finally got a date. Diana smiles and blushes as she walks away. After school, Diana told Lily about Leo asking her out.

"No way! My bro, asking you out?!", Lily asked in horror. "Yeah, it was a surprise. I didn't know that he's interested in me.", Diana sighed. "Well, he's a nice guy and you two are perfect for each other.", Lily replied. "I guess.", Diana smiled.

Then, Damon arrives with his car to pick Diana up. "I gotta go, I'll see you on Monday.", Diana replied. "Bye!", Lily cried, as Diana gets into Damon's car and they drove off. They arrive home, after a quiet drive. Damon notice something isn't right. "You ok?", he asked. "Yeah. Why?", she asked. "You are quiet throughout the ride. Is something wrong?", Damon asked.

"Well, Lily's brother, Leo has asked me on...", Diana replied, as she is nervous. Damon looks at her with a serious face. "...a date.", Diana sighed. "Oh, ok. Then what's the matter with that?", Damon asked. "Aren't you going to judge me?", Diana asked. "What?", he asked.

"Aren't you going to be like refuse to let me date or something?", Diana asked. "No! Why I would do that? Why do you say that?", Damon asked. "I don't know, I thought you would be like acting like an overprotective brother or something.", Diana replied.

"Well, you're almost an adult and you can make your own decisions now. You don't need to ask me for permission anymore. You can if you want to, but you don't need to ask me all the time.", Damon replied. Diana was confused and unsure.

"Diana, you are now a young, beautiful and grown woman, you deserve to be happy, like I am and all I want for you is to have a life and happiness. If Leo makes you happy, then you should go out with him, I won't stand in your way and I will always love and support you no matter what.", Damon replied.

Diana nods to every word, as Damon stroke her head. "I know you missed so much in your childhood and I'm sorry, but I'm trying my very best, to let you have all the fun and time you have and I will make sure, you have the best time of your life.", Damon sighed, as he held Diana's hands.

"Thank you, Damo.", Diana sighed. "No problem. I got you, come here.", Damon sighed, as he pulls her in for a hug. The two siblings held an emotional embrace for a long time. "I love you, Di.", Damon sighed. "I love you too, Damo.", Diana sighed as they kept embracing each other.

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