A Mother & Daughter Reconcile

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The next day, the cruise arrives back to New York and it's the day that Diana and her friends leave the Harmony of the Seas and return their homes. "This is it. Home sweet home.", Diana sighed as the cruise ship docks.

At the harbour, Damon and Courtney, along with Richard and Mary were waiting for Diana's arrival, along with Leo and Lily's family and other families of the 12th Grade students.

As Diana's family look for her as many 12th Grade students got off board the cruise, Courtney spotted Diana in the crowd. "I see her!", Courtney cried. "Where?", Damon asked, looking for his sister.

Then, Damon spot her. "There! I see her!", Damon cried, waving for her. Diana spot Damon and runs to him and gave him a massive hug. "Damo...", Diana sighed. "Diana, my sister.", Damon sighed, hugging her tight in his arms. "I miss you so much.", Damon sighed.

"I miss you too.", Diana smiled. "Welcome home.", Courtney smiled, as she and Diana hug. "Welcome back home, sweetheart.", Richard sighed. "Dad!", Diana cried, hugging him. Then Diana saw Mary behind him. "Mom?", Diana asked. "Hi, Diana.", Mary sighed.

Diana then remembered Leo's advice about her mother. Diana walks up to Mary and hugs her, which surprises everyone, including Mary. "I miss you, Mom.", Diana sighed, as tears roll down her eyes. "I miss you too, sweetheart.", Mary sighed, as tears also came down her face.

Diana and Mary share a long embrace as Damon smiles with joy. That night, in the living room, Diana told Mary about how she felt after Mary's abandonment and Mary listens and smiles as they both held each other's hands. After hours of talking, Mary finally knew how Diana felt. "That's how I felt all those years after you were gone.", Diana sighed.

"Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry how you felt for 11 years. Diana, my beautiful baby girl, my daughter, you are the light of my life and I'm so, so sorry that I left you and your brother, and for you to look after everything at such a young age, I'm extremely impressed and so proud of you for what you have done.", Mary sighed.

"I love you, Mom.", Diana sighed. "I love you too, sweetheart. Come here.", Mary sighed, as the two hug tight, as Damon and Courtney watched from a far distant. As the hug ends, Mary held her daughter's face. "From now on, I will always be there for the both of you, for good.", Mary smiled, as she hugs Diana again.

Mary saw Damon and smiles. "Come here.", she sighed as Damon joins in the embrace. "I love you both so much.", Mary sighed. "We love you too, Mom.", Damon sighed, hugging and crying on her. Then Richard and Courtney joins in the living room with the family, having a family conversation.

Diana tells them all about her cruise trip with the school and showed them photos and videos of her trip. "Wow, these look amazing, sweetheart.", Mary sighed. "You went to Disneyland?", Damon asked. "Yeah.", Diana replied. "Lucky you.", Courtney smiled.

"It was fun, we stayed there until 12am!", Diana replied. "12am?!", Richard cried. "That's way past your bedtime!", Damon replied. Everyone then laughed. "Anyways, anything interesting while I was gone?", Diana asked.

"Well...", Damon replied. "While you were gone, Damo here, popped the question.", Courtney replied, showing Diana her engagement ring. Diana was surprised, learning that Damon and Courtney are engaged. "Oh my god! Congratulations!", Diana cried, hugging Courtney and then Damon, who lift Diana off her feet and spun her with joy.

"Let me see the ring!", Diana cried, taking Courtney's left hand and saw Courtney's beautiful, sparkly 5-carat diamond engagement ring. "It's beautiful.", Diana sighed. "I know right.", Courtney smiled as Damon wrap his arms around Courtney's waist.

"I'm so happy for you both.", Diana sighed. Later, Courtney went home, whilst, Mary decided to tuck Diana and Damon into bed, for the first time in a while. First, Mary tuck and kisses Damon goodnight, before heading into Diana's room.

"You're ready for bed, sweetheart.", Mary asked. "I am.", Diana sighed. "Come on, in bed.", Mary replied. Diana gets into bed as Mary put the covers on her. "Comfortable?", she asked. "Yeah.", Diana sighed, as Mary sat by her bed side.

"Mom?", Diana asked. "Yes?", Mary asked. "Thank you.", Diana smiled. "For what?", Mary asked. "For coming back into our lives.", Diana sighed. Mary smiles and stoke Diana's head. "I'm happy to be here with you both.", Mary sighed as she kisses Diana's head.

"Goodnight, my sweet baby girl.", Mary smiled, and she turn off the lights and closes the door, before leaving the house. Diana smiles and goes to sleep.


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