The First Date

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On Saturday morning, Diana wakes up and smiles, as today is her very first date. "I need a shower.", Diana said to herself, as she gets out of bed and takes a shower. Courtney arrives to the house and went into Diana's room. "Diana!", Courtney called out after knocking on the door.

"Who is it?!", Diana called out, while still in the shower. "It's Courtney! May I come in?", Courtney asked. "Sure, I'll be out in a minute!", Diana cried. "No worries, I can wait.", Courtney replied, sitting on Diana's bed, and waiting for her to come out.

A minute later, Diana comes out of the steaming, hot bathroom, wearing a bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her wet hair. "Hey, Court.", Diana greeted. "Hey.", Courtney replied. "What are you doing here?", Diana asked. "Damon told me that you're going on a date this afternoon, and I'm here to help you get ready.", Courtney replied.

Diana was surprised. "You want to help me?", Diana asked. "Of course, every first date has to be a good impression. You need to look beautiful on your first date with Leo.", Courtney replied. Courtney then made Diana sit near her make-up desk and grabs a hair dryer to dry Diana's hair, before styling it.

Courtney goes to Diana's closet to pick a nice outfit and chose a nice pink summer dress with pink rose prints. Diana puts on the dress and Courtney does Diana's make up. "Not too much, Court. I won't want to look like a clown on my first date.", Diana cried.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do that. I know my way around make up, so don't worry.", Courtney replied, as she does the finishing touches on Diana's make up. "There, you're all done.", Courtney sighed, showing Diana's reflection to the mirror.

Diana gasped as she saw her own reflection, seeing how beautiful she looks, and how her make up blends in so well with her outfit. "Courtney, I look stunning.", Diana cried. "No, Diana. You look beautiful.", Courtney sighed.

Later, the doorbell rang, and Damon calls out. "Diana! Leo's here!", Damon cried. "I'm coming!", Diana cried. Downstairs, Damon meets with Leo for the first time. "It's nice to meet you, Leo. Diana has told me a lot about you. She said that you're her best friend's brother.", Damon replied.

"Yes, and Diana also told me so much about you too.", Leo smiled. "Really? What did she say about me?", Damon asked. "She told me that you both had a rough childhood, after your mother left you. I felt bad for the both of you.", Leo sighed. "Thank you Leo, I appreciate it.", Damon smiled.

Then, Diana came down the stairs with Courtney behind her. Damon and Leo look up and both of them are amazed of how she looks. "Hi.", she smiled. "Hey.", Leo sighed. "Have fun, you two.", Damon replied. "Bye.", Diana replied, as she and Leo left the house. "So where's your car?", Diana asked.

"Car? I don't have the car with me today.", Leo replied. Diana look and there is a stunning motorcycle and she was stunned. "Come on, let's go.", Leo replied, as he gives her a spare helmet and putting his on his own helmet.

Diana sat behind Leo, and wrap her arms around him. "Where are we going?", Diana asked. "You'll see.", Leo smiled, as he starts the engines and they rode off, to Central Park. They walk to the park and enjoying the sight. Later, Leo had Diana's eyes closed, as he helps her lead the way.

"Leo, where are you taking me?", Diana asked. "I told you it's a surprise.", Leo replied. Leo held Diana in his arms and looked at her. "You ready?", he asked. " Yes.", Diana sighed. "Ok, look.", Leo sighed, as Diana opens her eyes.

There was a romantic picnic, in the park and Diana gasped at the sight. "Leo, it's beautiful.", Diana sighed, as she walks up to the picnic spot and Leo follows her and together, they have a romantic picnic date, and enjoying food and having conversations.

"This is my first date.", Diana sighed. Leo looked at her with a smile, as he held her hand. Diana held his hand and smiles at him. After having a romantic picnic together, Diana and Leo hire a tandem bike and they rode it around Central Park.

Later, Leo takes Diana to Madame Tussauds, where they see and take photos of wax figures of famous celebrities. They spend the entire day together until it was the evening, and they went to their favourite diner for dinner.

"What an amazing day!", Diana sighed. Leo laugh at her words. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your first date with me.", Leo sighed. "I did, and thank you.", Diana sighed. That evening, Leo drove Diana home. They walk up to the front door together.

Unknowing to them, Damon was watching them from his bedroom window. "Thanks for the day, Leo. I had fun.", Diana sighed. "Me too.", Leo smiled, as he and Diana held each other's hand. "So?", Diana replied. "So?", Leo asked. "Goodnight.", Diana sighed, as she walks to the front door.

Leo grabs her arm, pulls her back to him and kisses her. Diana was surprised and yet kissed him back. Damon, who was watching from his bedroom window, was stunned, as he is shocked to see his own sister, get her first kiss from a guy.

After their first kiss, Diana looked at Leo, who was horrified of his actions. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to do that.", Leo cried. "No, it's ok. I mean, it was nice.", Diana replied. Leo looked at her, as she kisses him right back. After they kissed, Leo looks at her once more.

"So? Does this mean, we're...", Leo asked. "Well, I think I can work with that.", Diana smiled, as she and Leo share a laugh and another kiss, yet a passionate one. Damon leaves his bedroom, as he walks down the stairs with joy.

"Goodnight, Diana.", Leo sighed. "Goodnight, Leo.", Diana smiled, as she walks to the front door and went inside the house. As she went inside, Damon was by the stairs, smiling at her. Diana ran to Damon with excitement and hugs him. "You did it, Di!", Damon cried.

"I'm so happy, Damo.", Diana cried. "You finally got your first kiss and I'm so happy for you.", Damon sighed. "Thank you.", Diana smiled, as Damon lifts Diana up and spun her around with joy, as she laughs.

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