Day 1

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(For those who enjoy the story, of this message is here, some of this content may be dark or disturbing for some readers. So be advised)

Jay sighs as he works on a tunnel, going to count the days as they pass by the best he can without knowing if it's night or day since he hasn't seen the exit of the cave yet. 'Day one, woohoo' he said in his head in a miserable unmotivated way.

Meanwhile the female xenomorph that lead him hear is just sitting back and looking at him while he worked. He looked at her every once in a while and she would use her pointer finger with her arm extended straight out and points her fist with her pointer finger straight down at the ground. Making circle motions with it to say "turn around and work peasant" with her arm motions.

Jay, with each of those hand signatures complied and got back to work. "Man, playing hard to get, I'd pound that ass hard I'd she really wants it" he whispers and snickers from his hilarious comment that'd probably being funny only to him. Yet he don't care because no one heard it.

Apparently he snickered to loud because she got up and walked to him, grabbing his shoulder and forces him to turn around.

"Hey what's so funny? Am I have to slap you?" She asked getting kind of close into his face.

"Well I said if I could I would love to fuck that fat ass of yours" he said dropping the pickaxe he had in his hand and kisses her on the lips and holds her cheeks tightly so she couldn't back away from it. After a good long minute, Jay let go of her.

She backed away quickly and looks at him "You're disgusting!" She yelled and slaps him hard in the face. Jay grunted from the impact and held his cheek in pain while tearing a little.

The female grunts loudly and walks away with a mad blush on her face that she didn't want him to see it. Jay rubbed his left cheek in pain which was their that was slapped and now as redder then his right cheek.

A few minutes pass and a male xenomorph walks up to him and pushes him "get to work or no food for you tonight!" He said to jay. He of course nods and picks up the pickaxe and got back to chipping the tunnel slowly while the male watches him with a frown and death glare.

'I think I may have made the boyfriend angry or something' jay said in his head and continues to work for the remainder of the tome they wanted him to work. Making the tunnel only about one to two feet longer.

"Ok human back to your cell" the male xeno said and lead jay back to his cell after taking the tool from jays hand. He followed the xeno back to his cage and final walks in to see raw meat and a bowl of water.

The male xenomorph closes the cage and walks away with the stone tool and left jay alone, no guards were guarding him at the moment so he had some alone time to enjoy.

Jay takes the water and gulps half of it down and pours the rest on his head to cool himself off, sighing in relief and sits next to the plate of meat on the other side of the room from the bed. It looked like a sickness waiting to happen if he ate it. Which he did because he was hungry and he either ate it or go hungry.

He gagged as he ate the slimy, bloody and cold meat. Being hard to chew and terrible to swallow the thing, but he managed to eat it. "The grossest meal I've ever had" he said with some food left on his face and hands from when he ate and held it, it was just blood from whatever they gave him.

A little time past and two guards walk to his cell and stand there. Jay looks at them and walks to the bars "um hey ladies, so Um what kind of meat do you guys serve?" He asked

"Well, it's human meat from left over host" the guard on the left said. Jay froze gagged, "oh god I just ate a human, I'm a cannibal" he said trying not to throw up. Which he did successfully.

He walked to the flat, cold stone bed to lay down and forget what he heard from them, knowing if he wants to live he'd have to eat human meat, maybe every couple days so it won't be so bad. He thinks about that and other things as he falls asleep for the day as he was tired and miserable from the hard labor.

(If you guys enjoyed, I'd like to say thank you and sorry for the disturbing content as I tried to make it as short as possible since some may say it doesn't fit in with the story but it's him getting use to the new environment so sorry about that and see you guys again soon!)

Female xenomorph x maleWhere stories live. Discover now