Escape (Day 5)

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Jay wakes up in the cell and noticed no one is guarding him. He also hears nobody from down the hall as usually.

"That's strange, it's empty today" he said getting up and walks to the bars. Trying to get a view of the hall to his left and right, especially his right which is to the rest of the hive.

Jay heard faint screeches and gun shots, making him a bit terrified of what might be happening. "Hello?!?" He callee our hoping someone would answer from the hive and nor the shooters.

Hearing nothing he tries again and gets the same response. He sighs and walks to the corner of the room and sits down. Seeing some water and food he decided to just go ahead and eat.

He continues to sit there alone. Wondering what is going on out there. Wondering if he would be saved too.

Sitting around for another ten minutes and he hears footsteps, seeing the female that reached him everything the previous days and a predalien. Jay never noticed there was one in the hive.

"It's you, Xena?! W-what's going on out there?!" Jay asked in shock to see her ok and in fright from the problems outside.

"The military is wiping the entire hive clean and dead, we were sent by the queen to get you out of here" Xena said to him as she opens the cage door.

Jay nods and rushes out and hugs her. She blushes and hugs back. The predalien watches them.

"Guys we need to get going, there's no time for this right now" he said in a hurried tone.

"Oh right, jay follow behind us" she said and jay does that. Running behind them and sees how empty the hive is, seeing they took the fight outside.

After a few minutes they make it outside and go around the caves entrance and up the hill. The predalien made sure Xena and jay get up first and then follows right behind them.

They run some more and before stopping and lay rest beside a tree. Catching there breathes.

"S-so what now?" Jay asked both of them. Curios to know what to do next.

They are now in the forest, no viewing distance of the end of the forest either. Just trees, trees and more trees to help them stay hidden.

"I don't know" Xena said worried that maybe they followed. Peaking around the area to see if it was clear. She nod the ok when the predalien was shot in the Lower back and falls.

He screech's and falls on his stomach. Not dead but hurt. Xena jumped and grabbed jay and carries him as fast as she could away from there, leaving the predalien to die from his wound.

After ten minutes of running again, through the large woods, she stops and lays against a tree tired. Setting jay down and sees the sun was setting. Meaning the fight went on for a while and the escape as well didn't happen until later in the day.

Jay sits next to her and looks at her concerned . "What shows do now?" He asked

"Just sit here for the night, we need to rest, I need to rest" Xena said panting with every couple words.

"should I start a fire?" He asked her. She nods and jay went to collect some sticks and leaves. Coming back to set up a small perimeter where the fire won't cause the forest the burn.

He sets rock he can find in a circle around the clear, poorly dug out hole. Setting the sticks and leaves into it and lights the fire with the two sticks he used.

The fire starts and jay sits back down next to Xena and keeps warm with her as the sun was half set.

"Thanks for not letting me die back there, or leaving me to die" jay said to Xena.

"It's no problem" she said and sighs before continuing "I just watched my las t best friend get killed" she said sadly. Jay hugs her gently to comfort her.

"I'm sorry about your lose, b-but is the queen still alive?" He asked wondering about that

"Head blown up by a missle" she replied in disappointment and an upset tone.

"O-oh, well I'm sorry about all this" jay said and continues to hug her gently.

"It's fine, it's not your fault, they must of found us from scouts while they were scouting" she said thinking that was what happened though she's not for sure.

"L-lets Judy get some rest and we'll talk about what we'll do tomorrow" he insisted

She agreed with a nods and lays her head back on the tree and falls asleep unknowingly since she had no eyes. Jay sighs and lays his head in her shoulder and falls asleep as well. Wanting to think of what to do for now.

As they slept, they left the fire burning and slowly burns out through the night. Keeping them warm so they don't get cold while they sleep.

Female xenomorph x maleWhere stories live. Discover now