Lesson Day (Day 3)

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Jay wakes up from a long some what comfortable nap, better then the day before. He opens His eyes and looks to the right and sees a female standing there with some meat in her hand and a big grin.

"How long have you been there?" Jay asked her leaning up a bit while keeping eye contact on her.

"Long enough to make you "pee" on yourself" she said and giggles. Meaning she gave him a sleeping hand job.

He looks at his pants around his crotch area and blushes "oh ummmm..."

He was cut short from saying anything else by the female xeno "eat up, you have a work day and some education for today, I'll wait by the main area" she said.

Jay takes the meat and looks at the xeno, knowing she's not the one he pissed off the first two days.

"T-thanks, soooo how will I know where you'll be over there?" He asked curiously. Know since they'll look the same and hard to find her.

"I'll just be the one bending down and tail straight up" she said giggling and takes off running.

Jay stares at her from the bed he was leaning up some. 'So that one must be the s*x addict? got it' he said in his mind and takes a bit of the meat and then another.

(Not taking the risk)

After getting half down he threw up in his bed this time since he couldn't hold back the disgusting raw meat. He left his bed and the xenos cleaned it in disgust.

Jay saw the female that talked to him ten minutes earlier because she did the exact thing she was going to do!

Jay stares at her, wondering if she wants to be banged or what. He then walks to her and looks down "ok I'm here, you can stop that now" he said blushing and acting like he does not have a boner, but it's rock hard.

"C-can you give it a little slap please?" The female xeno asked him with a bit of shyness in her voice.

Jay blushes more and his member in his pants twitched once from hearing that. "O-ok" he said nervously and gives it a nice gentle slap.

He heard a purr come out of her mouth before she bends up and hugs him gently. He does the same back with a blush still on his face.

After a moment, they stop and look at each other for a moment.

"O-Ok, now why am I with you today now?" Jay finally ask her after a few minutes of silence between them.

"Today you will learn about the xenomorph culture, or learn about us basically...now follow me" she said and begins to walk through the hive, with Jay following behind. Soon they end up outside in the forest, right outside the cave/hive entrance.

"Ok? Why are we out here?" Jay asked once again curious about what she is doing.

"Sit down" she said sitting down against the rock outside the entrance. Jay sits beside her and looks at her.

"Hello, my name is Xena, nice to meet you" she said as a nice treating and offers to shake his hand.

"Thanks? Nice to meet you too, I'm jay" he said and shakes her hand slowly in an confused way. Still not understanding what is going on.

"Nice to meet you jay, I'm going to teach you a little bit about my species..." she said to him

"Ok go on" he replied while looking at him

"Ok so basically we mainly hunt, kill, and reproduce. We catch prey easily with our beautiful looks, when they fall in love we lower them to the hive to become a host" she explains.

Jay nods, listening to what she is saying and as she talks her looks down at her breast every now and then blushing 'I so want those, but what will she do?' He asked himself

"....we then come out of the area of a woman if it's a woman with a male hugger and if it's a female hugger then she will use the males member to get is load for reproduction..." she said and continues talking.

Jay continues listening for the rest of the day, hearing most of what she is saying. Mostly wanting to grab her breast because he's just that perverted and turned on.

After a long lesson it gets to be five o'clock and she stops talking.

"Ok I think that's a great place to stop for today, we'll start back up tomorrow, ok?" She asked and he nods while blushing. Giving her a kiss on the cheek and then Xena leads him back to his bed with no food as he'll just throw up it.

They make their way through the main area and past the queens throne and some unhatched eggs.

Jay gets back to his bed and lays down in it after being cleaned well by the two male xenomorphs. They hated every second of it too.

She looks at him as he laid down, "get some rest for now, we'll continue Tomorrow" she said with a slight blush and walks away.

Jay lays on his back and hands together on his chest as he stares at the stone ceiling a couple feet from him as he goes to rest for the day. As he fell asleep he thought to himself 'should I have ran when I had the chance?'

(Do you guys think he should have ran? Why or why not?)

Female xenomorph x maleWhere stories live. Discover now