Alone together (Day 1)

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(Since they are not in the hive anymore I will just start it over with day one, with them in the wild. For now enjoy the story!)

The sun rises and the birds were chirping. There was a little breeze as well in the morning with some cold chills. A good beautiful day it was going to be.

Jay wakes up slowly with tears in his eyes and some dried up on his cheek. He had a nightmare about watching the entire hive get shot to death and the queen being captured. It ended with him hearing a gunshot in his dream which when he woke up, assumed he was shot.

"Oh it was just a dream" he said and sighs, then looks to his right and sees Xena there sleeping happily. He sighed again in relief to know they are both still alive and ok.

He turned around and sees a river nearby, he gets up and walks towards it to try to catch some fish, but kisses Xena's left cheek first.

As he walked away Xena looked at him with his back seen. She blushes and puts her left hand to her cheek jay touched. Also making the end of her tail wag quickly in joy.

Meanwhile jay found a stick and rock after searching for a little while, making sure not to go to far from camp.

He looks for the best end of the stick out of the two sides. Then, he started to sharpen it up which took about a good four minutes.

He then started looking for some good looking fish and impales them with the stick, then puts them in a pile close to him so no animals will touch it.

Xena got up after a bit and walks towards him. Once seeing him she smiles and gives him a friendly smile after he notices her.

"Morning Xena" jay said with a smile and slight blush, the reason for that is the first thing he sees when she came over where her sexy breast. He now thought about them nonstop.

"Morning jay, so fish is our meal for now?" She asked looking at the pile of three fish then at jay.

"I'm very naughty" he said softly to himself then looked up into her dome part of her head where her eyes would be. "Oh yea, it's the best I can do for now, I don't know what else we can eat" he said

Xena nods and gets into the water "why don't you head to town and get food?" She asked with a tilted head

"Well for one I don't have money too and two I just don't think it's the best idea to leave you alone" he said

"Well I can handle myself, I'm a big girl, I have these things to prove it" she said and puts the palm of her hands under her breast and bounce them twice as she said the last have of her response.

He blushes and nods "o-ok, b-but we will eat fish for now" he said to her with a boner in his pants.

Xena sees it and chuckles, then divers gently into the water and catches the fish with her mouth and swallows them whole.

After catching a few, she comes up, looks up at the sky with one fish in her mouth and swallows it whole, closing her mouth once having it all down her mouth.

Jay saw that obviously and he knew she did it to tease him. Somehow knowing doing that would just turn him on, 'This xenomorph is f*cking lustful' he said.

Xena looks at him and smiles at him then helps carry the fish back to camp. Starting the fire and cook the fish.

Jay made sure they were cooked well enough to eat but not to burnt either. He managed to eat two of them before he was full, leaving two left and since they were pretty much dead he fed them cooked to Xena and licked her lips after eating them.

Jay smiles and Xena smiles back, he looks at her belly and noticed it's building a little, meaning she probably over ate but looks like she could eat more.

"So what do you want to do now Xena?" Jay asked not knowing what to do really.

"Let's go back to the stream and swim naked" she replied and giggles.

Jay shrugs "sure let's do it" he said and they both go back to the stream. Xena jumps in and jay strips before getting in.

They both swim around for a while and have fun, spending lots of time together and just enjoying the sunny day.

They spent lost of time there to the point that the sun started to set, Xena ate more fish and jay took som with him to cook and eat for dinner.

"Today was a blast" jay said with a big happy smile.

"It sure was, it sure was. Now it's bed time and we'll figure out what to do tomorrow, since today is more of being a little kid day" she replied with a slight smirk

"Oh...yea, Let's just get some rest and we'll continue our little journey tomorrow" jay said knowing they should get busy as soon as possible.

"Agreed...goodnight" Xena said

"Goodnight" he replied back, laying on the ground in his side, falling asleep next to Xena who was laying on her stomach and her head facing away from him.

The night was silent, almost, crickets being annoying little sh*ts and the breeze every now and then is all they hear before completely being out for the night.

Female xenomorph x maleWhere stories live. Discover now