11. Zolyom, Hungary, November 1353

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     Like most kings, Lajos took great joy in the hunt and chase.  When he was away from the battlefield for a long period of time, hunting filled his thirst for action.  During this week in late November, Lajos took his court up north for a hunting trip, where one of his favorite hunting lodges was located.  The week was nearing its end, and Lajos planned to celebrate with a grand feast that night, of the game him and his companions caught.        

     Outside, the hunting party was waiting for Lajos.  Elizabeta watched from her window in her chamber as the hunting party rode off.  She wanted to go, but like always, Elzbieta did not let her go, telling her that she needed more training on safety in the woods before she could go on a hunt.  Elizabeta suspected that really, Elzbieta was just being extra-protective of her, like she always was.  Back in Bosnia, she had participated in a few hunts, and nothing bad ever happened.  

     Elzbieta could see Agatha riding besides Lajos.  She was sure that she had more hunting experience than Agatha.  Her eyes burnt with envy.  

"Are you alright my lady?" Beatrix asked.  

"No.  It is almost time for the king to put that Agatha slut away.  He still seems fond of her, and he won't let go." 

"We are always willing to help you." said Matilda.  

"I'm sure we could find a witch who might know how to take her out, and no one will ever know." said Beatrix.  

"No!  Of course not!" said Elizabeta.  "I will have her cast off.  I'll tell her that she is never allowed to return.  Then, perhaps, I'll make a threat to poison her, and that should keep her away.  After all, I'm not the only one at court who can't stand her."  

"Why is it that so many can't stand her?" asked Matilda.

"It's obvious.  Lajos gives her gifts nearly every day, she has to follow him everywhere he goes, and oh my... that dreaded laugh she has!  She sounds like a drunken horse when she laughs.  It makes my ears bleed!"  

     Beatrix and Matilda nodded in agreement.  They too both hated Agatha's obnoxious, high-pitched laugh that resembled a very high-pitched horse whinny.  Elizabeta continued, "have you ever noticed that Lajos calls her 'Lady Agatha'?  She's no lady!  She is a low-born prostitute!  Lajos met her on campaign.  She was one of the camp whores.  He was stunned by her beauty, and she somehow managed to lure him into her.  He has been attached to her ever since.  It's been more than two years that they have been together.  Definitely too long for someone who started their career as a prostitute."  

"He will probably cast her aside someday." said Matilda 

"If he does, it better be soon."  said Elizabeta.  "Because Agatha has been seducing him for long enough, and her fall is about to come.  If Lajos can't let go of her, I'll make him."   


     The wind was blowing harder.  Lajos spurred his horse to gallop ahead of the hunting party. Two of his Vizslas ran beside him.  There was a movement in the trees. His Vizslas paused, their ears up, and then they started growling. There must have been an animal in the trees.  Lajos grabbed his spear, ready to aim.  The movement started again, and the horse pinned his ears back, frightened. The dogs growls grew louder. This was a trusted horse he often used for hunting, and he never seen him so scared before.  The horse's fright made Lajos even more alert.  Suddenly the horse let out a loud whiny.  A bear jumped from out of the trees, and grabbed Lajos' leg.  Lajos screamed. The Vizslas, always protective of their master threw themselves onto the bear. But they were no match for the large animal. Lajos tried to spear the bear, but out of fright his hands trembled and he let go of his weapon, and it fell to the ground. 

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