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~~~3 years later~~~

:ring ring ring: -alarm clock-
"We'll, uh.. Wake up princess, your thrown is waiting." I wasn't woken up to Prince Charming in my castle, and my thrown wasn't made out of gold. Instead of a Prince Charming, I got a roommate at NYU university, and instead of a thrown, I got a cold hard desk. I was 19, and it took me a while to get into a collage. My annoying roommates name was Daisy. She was annoying because we never talked, and all she did was sit in her room and lock the door. I have no idea what she was doing in there because she never let me in. I don't suppose- never mind, it was none of my business anyway.
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Classes in collage are boring. There's just a whole lot of writing and hand cramps. The only thing I look forward to is 3 more years and I'm out.
I know what your thinking, "Oh yeah you and Chase are married and he is away but visits you and you guys lived happily ever after!" We'll sorry, but this is real life, not a movie or a fairytale. I didn't need to be a physic mind-reader to figure that one out. Me and Chase haven't spoken since I moved. He hasn't called, texted, written, anything. I would try, but if he hasn't done anything yet, then I don't think he wants me to. I guess I'll have to forgive, forget, and move on. Those words aren't as easy as they sound.
I got through the day and I felt like giving my family a visit. I got in my normal car that wasn't a Ferrari, and was on my way. It took about an hour drive to get there so I popped in a cd. As I reached for that thing above the dashboard that hangs down with the attached mirror, a bunch of stuff fell down. I shuffled through the pile while at a stoplight. I found an envelope. I was trying to move on from Chase, but I still kept this picture. I kept it for memory, not of my terrible high school experience, but of my first love, Chase.
I got to the house I once called mine. My dad lived somewhere else and my mom lived in the last place where we were all together. Kristie was sitting on the couch playing on her phone. She was 12, I remember when she was 9 and loved me. Now I wish she loved me. All she does is get soaked up in boys and social media. Oh my Gosh, she got it from me! I tried to ignore that subject as my mom came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. "Stal! So good to see you honey!" "You too mom, are you cooking?" "Yes, why are you hungry? Your welcome to stay for dinner if you like!" "Mom it's fine, I'm fine." I said while plopping on the couch next to Kristie. "We'll I'm sure Kristie would love if you watched tv with her." She said while walking into the kitchen, raising her voice so I could hear her through the wall. "Hi Kristie, it's me, remember me?" She nodded, looked at me for a second then glanced back at her phone. "Can you talk?" "What do you want?" She said with an attitude. "Hey listen, I'm here to visit, I'm not here for an attitude." I said while shaking her and putting her phone on the table. "Your just like mom and her new boyfriend!" She got up and ran to her room. Boyfriend? Boyfriend?! BOYFRIEND?!?! No no no my mom wouldn't do that to us. I tried to run after Kristie but she slammed and locked her door. That room used to be ours, until I left. I went back into the living room when my mom came out. She was holding two wine glasses. "To your new college! cheers!" we clinked glasses reminding me of what Kristie had said. "Mom, what's this I hear about a new boyfriend?" she sighed. This made me think that it was true. "Stal, you should've expected me to move on. Me and your father don't talk anymore so I thought I would give it a try in the dating world." "Mom, that's not okay! We still see dad! You have kids, you can't just do that to us. Look at poor Kristie, she's miserable! Does dad know?" "No your father doesn't know, but-" "Mom I'm not getting involved in your lies anymore. Goodbye Mother." I picked up my purse and walked out. I wasn't going back for a long time.
I got to my dorm and went in. It was empty and there was a note. "Big party down the hall, hope you don't miss it for your boyfriend." yep that's my roommate alright. She acts like I'm perfect and rich. I may be rich, but I'm not perfect, and frankly, I'm not rich anymore. I didn't bother changing or even going. I wasn't in the mood to party, I was never in the mood anymore.
I found myself sitting on the couch, munching on popcorn and watching some stupid show at 5:00am. I would call that late, but it was early now. I had to be up at this time so basically I didn't get any sleep. Which, I didn't care about sleep anymore. It was a Saturday so I didn't care about anything. "Get up, Princess. Your boyfriend is here for you." I looked up at my roommate. "Get up, he wants to see you." "I don't have a boyfriend though." I sat up and brushed off the popcorn crumbs. "We'll some handsome dude is at the door." I was crossing my fingers, hoping she wasn't talking about my dad.
I answered the door and uncrossed my fingers. It was a bitter sweet moment. It wasn't my dad, good, but it was Chase, bad because I didn't know what he was going to do. "Umm.. Hi." I spit out after 5 minutes of dead silence. "Stal, listen," "Chase, you don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have-" he kissed me. He actually kissed me when I was about to apologize to him. As we pressed lips, in the background I heard, "Don't have a boyfriend eh?" Coming from Daisy. Roommates eh?
Time flew by as me and Chase talked about everything. Apparently him and Alex broke up after I ran out. A lot had happened to everything around there. The one thing I didn't understand, is why did he come all the way from CA to NY to kiss me? Because, he loved me.
We exchanged numbers and decided to long distance date until I finished college. Then we would move in together. My life was finally shaping up.
That night my roommate and I were finally getting close. "So princess, there's no secrets or anything about you?" "Nope, I'm an open book, which btw I hate opening books." we laughed and talked all night. "we'll there is one thing I have that's kind of a secret." "What?" She moved closer on the couch while squeezing a pillow. "We'll there's this picture. A girl drew it a while back and I kept it all these years. She grasped the picture while tearing up. "I drew this picture."

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