Chapter 22~ No more good girl

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It's Saturday, December 21st. I'm sitting here on my bed bored. I try to text my friends but they all have "plans." why did I have to pick such busy friends?! I started to do what I always do when I'm bored, think! I thought about how to change my image. I got the brilliant idea while listening to my little sister playing with her dolls. I will go to the skatepark and hang out with them. So I dropped Kristie off at her friend Charlie's house and went to the park. I got there and started to paddle on my skateboard on my stomach. I got in there and everyone looked at me. I saw everyone standing up. I looked confused and said, "Ohh your supposed to stand up?!" They all laughed and one of them said, "your funny. You should hang out with us." She had dark, blue hair and brown eyes. I assumed that her hair was once brown and she dyed it. There was a couple guys too. I nodded and smiled and they showed me the tour of the park. "so this is the ramp that Johny tried to ride.. what happened to Johny again?" Everyone shrugged. I thought to myself, "don't ride that ramp or you will end up like Johny whoever he is.. more like wherever." I have a really bad habit of thinking out loud.
The day passed by quickly and it was starting to become dark. One of them said, "oh yay it's dark. Perfect time for the plan." I said what plan and they nudged me with them. There was this one boy who told me to grab onto his shoulders so I don't fall. I guess he wants me to like him. How could I fall for a boy who doesn't match. I tried to snap the popular girly girl out of myself but it didn't work. We arrived at this mansion and it was beautiful!! It had fountains and a huge yard and everything. I mean it wasn't bigger than mine but it sure was nicer. The blue haired girl looked at me and said, "what color?" One of the guys said, "Mar, you can't expect a new girl to do it properly." I gave him a rude look and crossed my arms. I whined, "so you think you can do better than a girl?" That got him angry enough to swing a punch. I ducked just in time, went through his legs, and crawled on the floor. I looked like a monkey and got all muddy while doing it. For once in my life I didn't care. The blue haired girl, Mara I infer her full name is, broke it up and extended her arms, keeping me and him away from each other. She said, "In order for this to work, we can't have any trouble." We nodded as she removed her hands away. "Now," she spat, "what color Blondie?" I didn't want to make her more mad so I just agreed with pink. Mara chose pink too and some others did. In total there was seven people, including me, enough to get whatever job were doing done. Lara brought us over to a plain wall on the back of the house. She started to spray her spray paint she offered out. It smelled terrible. I was confused and mad. "Are you guys spray painting this house??!!" They hushed me and ducked as the porch light turned on. A loud voice screeched, "whose out here? I have the police on speed dial!" I turned around about to ask what we should do when I saw...
* I saw 6 paint cans on the floor, 3 cop cars, and an innocent girl, the only one holding a spray paint can next to a wall full of the same color I was holding. I was busted.
I was in the cop car pushing my face against the window, chafing in the hand cuffs. I got to the station and sat on the bench. The officer at the desk said, "name?" I answered. he asked, "Would you like to make a call?" I nodded then stopped in the middle and shook my head. "Listen sweetie I have to be home by 10 before I miss the football game." It took me back to that guy who painted my locker. I said no kind of quiet. "What?!" He said in a loud stern voice. "No Sir!" I screamed. He pointed toward a bench in the corner. I sat down wondering if I was going to jail. It went on for hours. It was 1:00am. I was with some bald guy and a lady wearing a red jacket. I still wondered what was going to happen. The bald guy came up to me and said, "Okay dear, you have to pay the Missons family for the damage done to their house-" I didn't let him finish. "I'm sorry, did you just say the Missons Family?!" He nodded. okay, I'm screwed goodbye Jake, hello bullying.
More hours went buy, after I paid the people 5,000 dollars and a couple more hours, I could go home. Yay but not yay. I couldn't go home because the punks took my skateboard and I didn't have my car. I was stranded in the middle of the night at a police station in Pasadena California. I saw a man, or a boy, come in through the doors. He was tall, my age, OMG it was Chase!! He talked to the man at the counter for a while and then turned to me. I stood up, telling the officer goodnight. Chase and I walked outside not saying a word. I just stopped walking and he noticed, Stopped, and turned. I said, "Why did you come and get me? I thought you weren't going to help me anymore." I said holding back the tears. "Did you not want me to? Stal you got arrested, you dyed your hair pink and spray painted a wall." "I didn't do it!" I shouted. "Then who did, Stal. I told you I wasn't going to save you. I didn't save you. You can't be saved anymore. "Chase. I'm sor-" "No your not. Just dont, stop it." "Chase!!" He got into his car and drove away. Leaving me once again, alone.

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