Chapter one~ the beginning

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So I scramble on the bus for my first day is school, and the last open seat is with a smelly kid so I choose to sit on the floor. The bus ride is bumpy so I listen to music from my iPhone 8, which most people consider "lucky" but I'm just using it until my dad gets me the 9. So I arrive at school and go to my locker which is painted pink with sparkles. I see a cute boy next to me and I say, "oh thanks daddy you got me a boy with my locker!" As soon as I say that a crowd of girls laugh at me and the boy runs away. Why do I have to be such an embari-monster??!! So I'm lost and I see a short person standing there and I ask her for help and she said, "oh you need help?" So I was like uhh yeah duh I just asked... And she rudely blabbered, "we'll I could use some help with you getting to my class on time!!" Ugh teachers I mumbled. So I sat down and found myself in math, the worst subject. The class is boring just blah blah blah and the bell rings. So I'm walking down the hall looking at the school map when I run into this boy and we bump heads. We said hi in unison. We laugh in unison. We smile in unison. Everything stopped and we just stared until I found myself on the ground. Some girl was like, "umm what do you think your doing with MY boyfriend??" And I sputtered out a bunch of weird noises until she interrupted me and said, " look freaky new girl, stay out of my way!" And she grabbed his arm and walked away. So I found my way to the gymnasium finally. I got there and went to the changing room and no stalls were open. I saw some girl waiting in line and she bowed down to me and said, "omg it's you it's, its Krystal Brooks!!" And I just stood there and looked confused as she let me cut in the long line of anxious girls in wait of a changing stall. Finally I'm next in line and a girl sees my pink outfit and says, "you have to wear the schools gym clothes." She added a snotty stare. I explained that I can bring my OWN clothes, as the stall opens and I go in. In gym it's more blah blah blah and I just look forward to lunch when I can play on my phone and listen to music. So I got through all my classes until lunch. I see a group of girls talking about how much homework they have and I couldn't help butting in and bragging about how I don't get homework. The girls say, "brag much?" And walk away. I think to myself, "how could this day get any worse??" But I find myself screaming it in the hall. Everyone stares at me and I run to the girls bathroom. I don't know what to do so I just fix my makeup which has been running since gym. Who knew girls could sweat?? I try to go see my dad in his office but there's that mean girl I saw this morning and her rude friends. I think how can she make friends but I can't??!! And again I said it out loud just loud enough for her to hear it. She comes in with her crew following. She has long blonde hair, a pink high dress on and super long high heels. She looks like a Barbie doll, just as fake and plastic. Her and her "servants" all have a purse with a dog in it and they hold them like trophies. I would hate to be one of those mutts. She was like, "were you talking about me??" And I stupidly nodded and crossed my arms. She rolls her eyes, "do you even know who I am??" I say no and I'm glad I don't know her. "I'm Melissa Missons, my dad is the richest in this city." I say, "we'll then why does my dad own the school?" She gives me a big long stare and I lift my brow. She finally spits out, "we'll what are you going to do get me suspended??!! Look doofus, I don't care about you. You can't do anything to me because your just scared." I try to say something and she snaps and turns and walks away. Her snazzy crew pours their Starbucks coffee on my head and click their heels. I stood there drenched in coffee crying. I find some extra clothes on the floor in the bathroom and put them on and get on the bus quickly so no one sees me. I sit with this girl who is drawing a flower. It looked so pretty and magical. She crumpled it up and threw it in the floor and said ugh why can't I draw??!! I picked it up and said, CANT DRAW??!! She looked at me and said, "this is my stop." I kept her drawing as if it was my moment with that boy, just as magical. I try to listen to music but I can't stop thinking about my day and all of the things I have to return to tomorrow. I mean I just- the bus driver interrupts my thought. He says in a loud but scratchy voice, "since there's been too much trouble with you youngsters, we are getting new seating arrangements." He partners me up with a kid named Chase. He is reading a comic book called "lobster man" I start reading it and think it's garbage and luckily that one was really said in my head. We get off at the same stop and he turns to an old- I mean a fairly vintage shack(improving my attitude so my dad will buy me a car). I proceed to my house and check the mail. I walk up the steps to see my little sister Kristie in the window. She's a brat sometimes but I love her because she helps me pick out my clothes in the morning because she wants a career in design. I don't really know what I want to do but I like dancing so maybe dancing or singing. I go upstairs, passing the living room where my sister is watching a Barbie movie (thank goodness that Melissa Missons isn't one of them). I continue to my room to see a pair of keys laying on my bed. Then out of no where I hear, "happy first day!!" And I turn around and see my mom and dad. They hug me and I say ugh guys do you want me to go to the grocery store or something for you??!! They played these tricks for months after I passed my drivers test. I grab the keys and start exiting my room with a sigh. Then when I get outside I see a red Ferrari sitting there!! I scream and jump and laugh and every possible thing I could of done to celebrate. They hug me once again and I go inside to eat an after school snack. I open the fridge and I hear some yelling. I wonder what it is but assume it's the kids next door who argue over everything. I take an apple and once again return to my room and close the door, stopping any disturbances.

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