Chapter 5~ getting a boyfriend

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I wonder if I should ask out Jake or wait for him to ask me. I wonder if it's too soon. I wonder about Melissa M. I just drive my car and wonder. My parents wondered too about why my sisters sack was empty and grounded me for not taking her trick-or-treating. My sister wonders why she can't eat a whole bag of candy without getting the stomach bug. I get to school and am happy to see Jake. Over the months I've made a few friends named Mary, Janel, and Alice. They have been great friends for the week I've known them. We hang by my locker and talk about how much we HATE Melissa M. It's quite a lot of fun having friends. I get through the day, get home and find my sister with a Santa hat on, obsessing over a holiday that's over a month away. She tells me that I was "naughty" and that Santa won't get me any presents. I smirk back and say at least I didn't eat all my Halloween candy. I text Jake and ask if we could hang out, forgetting about my grounding. He doesn't text back and I assume that he can't get to his phone or something. I look out the window and see Chase, my old bus buddy and neighbor, playing with his siblings. My sister begs me to come outside and help her and her friends make a leaf pile. I give in after her puppy dog eyes start to give her a headache. I love fall, but too bad winter has to come in and ruin everything, just like Melissa M. I watch Kristie and her friends jump in to the tower of leaves and call Jake. He answers and says I got to go and hung up. I assume he is with his parents or something. I hear more yelling and go into the house and hear my mom and dad yelling in he bathroom, the room behind the kitchen. They fight a lot, it's normal. I hear Roar by Katy Perry playing from my phone and answer. Hi Jake, I say. He explains that he wasn't supposed to have his phone in detention. I ask him if he can come over my house and he comes. He is so awesome!! He came and brought me chocolate and in it was a note that said, "will you go out with me?" I say yes and we hug. He had to go too soon so I immediately change my Instagram status to taken 11-03-14. I can't wait until my birthday to see if he is as romantic as a box I chocolates with a note.

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