Chapter 2

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    I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors in this chapter. I was half asleep most of the time while writing this chapter.
Roger's POV

Rule Number One of knowing me: I don't like to be woken up. I especially don't like being woken up by getting a pillow to the face.
I was lying there in my bed, all comfortable, my tail brought to my chest, all the while having an amazing dream then WHAM! I'm smacked across the face with a soon to be shredded pile of fabric and fluff.
"Wake up Darling! I've got big news!" The raven-haired prince exclaimed right in my ear. I growled and glared at bastard hovering above me.
"Freddie. What have I told you about waking me up like this?" I was trying to keep from hurting him even though I really wanted to.

"To not to but you'll be excited with the news I've just found out!" Freddie beamed.

"I doubt it being crucially woken up." My glare pierced right through him, but he remained unfazed. He crossed his arms and turned serious.

"Well if you're going to be like that I guess I won't tell you." He turned his face away from me and I finally gave in.

"Ughhhh, What is it?" That brought the raven-haired prince back to his previous feeling.
"The humans are having a festival soon! I can't remember if it's a festival or if it was a ritual, but whatever it is, it's a huge event! They have it every year! I can't believe we've never known about it!" Excitement filled his eyes to the brim. He was like a kid who just got told he was getting a dolphin for his birthday.
"Where did you hear this from?" My brows furrowed as I looked up at him. He scratched the back of his neck and averted looking at me.
"I... umm... Listened in to a conversation my father was having with a lord." Then a big smile grew on his face.
"You could have got in big trouble for eavesdropping. He knows you full and well, he knows how curious you are." He stopped me before I could say anymore.
"Well Rog darling, if you look closely and see me floating above, that means I wasn't caught." I scoffed at his sarcasm.

"And another thing Rog, he knows how curious you are as well." Fred "jabbed" his pointer finger in my chest.

"Yeah but your father knows that I stay in line."

"That's a lie, darling, 'stay in line.' Whenever do you stay in line?" Freddie mocked, making quotation marks as he said stay in line.

"Well when I'm not around you alone and doing my job, I do. I'd rather not lose my head. That's when I stay in line. One wrong swim in front of the king and I'm a sardine."

I grabbed the pillow that I had once under my head and smacked him across the face in return.

Finally, payback.

Freddie looked at me in shock before grabbing the pillow he hit me with early. He gave a low chuckle and his intentions became clear. He raised the pillow and-

"Oh, it's on, Blondie!"
Brian's POV

🎵It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll🎵
I groaned at the loud AC/DC blaring out the speaker of my phone. I placed the pillow over my head trying to drown out the noise. It didn't help. I reached over and stopped the alarm.
I practically threw myself back and stared at the ceiling. My curly mess was spread out everywhere against my pillow. I took a deep breath and pulled myself out of bed. Groggily, I made my way to the bathroom.
I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and walked back to my room. I threw on some clean clothes and grabbed my phone.

"Morning," John said cheerfully as I made my way into the kitchen. "I made you some toast."

"Thanks, Deaky." I picked one of the pieces of toast and took a bite. I grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with water.

"So I got news from Miami that the Prenter guy will be staying in the rental house." John stayed as he stood up from the table to go wash his plate.

"What rental house?" John turned and gave me a look like I was stupid.

"Did you seriously just ask that? I thought you were smart." Sarcasm was dripping from his voice.

"Uhmmm yes?" I'm genuinely confused by the Auburn. It's morning and my brain is still starting up.

"What kind of house is right next to ours?" Oh, that house. I forgot.

"Oh, I forgot. Out of all rentals why that one?"
"Closest to the beach I suppose." John shrugged his shoulders before turning around to finish washing the dishes he had used.
God, I hope we don't have to interact with this guy. John is right though, it is the closest to the beach. Closest to the dock as well.

"You done? Don't wanna be late for class now do we." John, who already had his bag around his shoulder, held my bag in his hand, waiting for me to take it.

"Yeah, I'm done. We are taking my car." Taking the book bag out of his grasp, I made my way to the door. John grabbed the car keys and quite aggressively tossed them to me.

I could tell by the look on his face, he was a bit mad. John loved vintage things, especially anything that had to go with the '70s and '80s. Half of his wardrobe was from that era and he had the long '70s hair to match. So out in the driveway sat his luscious, black, '74 Lagonda Aston Martin, which he wasn't gonna be driving today. He spent a lot of money on it so he was sure as hell going to show it off whenever he could.

We hopped into my 2017 Jeep Wrangler, which was excellent from driving over the sandy beach, and began heading to our classes.


During the 2 hour break until our next classes, we decided to stop at one of the few nearby fast-food restaurants for lunch. John was craving some Chick-fil-A so that's where we ended up.
We chose a booth right at the window with our food. Seagulls scurried around outside in the parking lot, searching around for scraps of food. One was even fighting another over a waffle fry.
"According to Jim, this guy is supposed to head in some time this evening." John had started to watch the seagulls too but was now trying to get our focus off them.
"Well then, let's not run into him on the way home." I took a sip of water and stared down at the salad before me.
"When is Miami even going to get back from wherever the hell he is? It getting kinda hard to run the shop by ourselves." Miami owns a snack shack down at the beach. During the summer is when it's at it's busiest, but, somebody decided to take a vacation. Maybe if we hadn't decided to take some summer classes, it would be easier to manage.

"He said he'd be back soon." John reassured before taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Well, America's Independence Day is coming up. He better be back before then." I stabbed at the lettuce, then brought the fork up to my mouth.


We hurried home after our last classes, tired and ready to just collapse on the couch.

We turned around the corner and shit he's here. The rental house maybe a few yards from our house but not far enough away. It's close enough that you'd have to greet each or it would be rude. I pulled into our driveway and turned off the engine.

"If he greets us, just say hello back and that's it."

"Got it." We jumped out, quickly pacing to the door, hoping not to interact so we could just go inside and rest. It was too late though.
"That's a nice car you got there." Prenter casually greeted, making his way on to our lawn and taking a long drag of the cigarette that he held.
"Thanks." John replied, a fake smile plastered onto his face.
"Paul Prenter," he stuck out his hand for us to shake, "I guess you saw me on the telly." He gave a laugh and a smile. Of course he'd put up a façade. Both of us shook his outreached hand before either of us spoke.
"I'm John Deacon and This is Brian May. Yeah we did. It's cool that you've come here in search of such a mysterious creature." John put up his façade in return. John may look innocent most of the time, but he could stab you and leave you to suffer a painful death.
"Thank you, I plan to do my best to discover the race. Sorry gentlemen, It's been nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I can't talk for long. I've got to get back to setting up. See you around." He turned his back and strode back to the rental house. I looked at John and rolled my eyes. We both let a sigh once inside.
"Jesus. Like I've said, I don't trust that guy. My gut tells me not too and so does Miami." John let out a small laugh at my remark.
"Yeah the feeling is mutual."


By the end of the night, we decided to watch a movie. We fought over which movie to watch so we flipped a coin. If heads, we were watching what I picked. If tails, it was John's choice.

John tossed me quarter and I flicked it up. I caught it, placed it on my wrist, and uncovered it.


"Best of two out of three?" I was getting competitive.

"Fine." John groaned, "You're just a sore loser." I glared at him before flicking the coin up again.


The smirk on John's face grew. He then yanked the remote out of my grasp.

"I'll be taking that."
John chose one of his all time favorites: Jurassic Park. I don't know how many times we've watched it, I've lost count. The little kid in it though, Tim, looks a lot like John, it's weird.
Halfway through the movie, John got up and made popcorn. He brought it back in two separate bowls, handing one to me.
"You're Welcome." He flopped back down on the couch and we unpaused that movie.
"What do you call a blind dinosaur?" Tim spoke in the movie.
"I wonder what that kid looks like now, if he looks more like you."
"I don't know." John's speech was muffled due to a mouthful of popcorn.
I whipped my phone out and search the cast. Little did we know the results and how shocked we were gonna be.
That's about it I've got for this chapter. I still hope it makes sense. Like I said before, I'm still trying to work the flaws out.
     Also, I don't think you can tell, but I was hungry when I wrote this. I'd die for a chicken sandwich and salad from Chick-fil-A right now. That's kinda why I chose Chick-fil- because I was hungry and because they have the best salads for a fast food restaurant. Brian, my vegetarian boy, would appreciate an actual good salad unlike the awful ones from McDonalds.
Also Also, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to mention Joe at the end. It thought it would've hilarious.
Anyway I hope you like this story so far :) -Lee

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