Chapter 18

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Okay please know that I've never been on a plane so if I wrote the one part of this chapter wrong, please ignore it lol.
"Roger. Roger. Please don't hate me. If you don't wake up for me, they're going to wake you up which will be a whole lot worse, dear." For the first time in his life, he wasn't mad at Freddie for waking him up. He slept floating in his back which gave Freddie the advantage to splash some water on him.

"Alright, I'm up Fred." Roger stopped floating on his back and moved to the edge of the tank. Freddie handed him his granola bar and the last of the bottle of water.

"Here, hurry before they come back. We just landed." Roger listened, quickly munching down on his breakfast. About five minutes later, Prenter was entering the room.
"Good, you've woke him up." Freddie fists balled up just looking at the monster.

"Fuck. You." Freddie snarled. Prenter just ignored him, having one of his men grab the ex-prince.

"Take him, you know where. He's going to be questioned what he knows. Also when you're taking Roger, make sure he remains unseen. I've got some press to go talk to. Ciao." Prenter smiled and waved. Roger was pulled out of his makeshift tank and was being transported off the plane to another truck. Once again, the two were thrown in the back.
"You sons of bitches! Stop throwing us everywhere!" Roger roared out. He was ready to slice and dice anyone.

Roger crawled over to the wall to lean against it. He threw his head back hard, not caring if it hurt him.

"Flight 187, now boarding." John, Brian, Miami hurried along to the gate to board the plane to London.
The plane flight was going to take a while, 6-7 hours. Brian decided to just go to sleep once the plane was in the air so he could put his mind to rest. His brain had a different idea though, he couldn't even escape his anxiety in his dream.

It was pitch black, he couldn't see a thing.

"Brian!" The frantic voice echoed around.

"Roger!" His breathing was heavy but he listened to where the voice was coming from.

"Brian!" A singular light lit up in the room, shining down on Roger in a glass tank. His tail glistening in the light pouring down in the tank.

"Rog!" Brian ran to the tank but he was getting nowhere. The further he ran, the further he was pulled away.

He could still hear Roger calling his name when he was sucked back into darkness. Other voices crowded into his head.
"I know it all along. I'll make sure you don't get away from me this time."

"You're just a drama queen and exaggerate everything!"

"Tell him you love him before it's too late."

So many criticizing words circulated around his head. All the others drowned out and Prenter's voice became loud and clear.

"You'll never see him again!"

Brian jerked awake and found that John had been shaking him.

"Brian, we're almost there." John had to know he was having a nightmare, it was written in his eyes. Brian wiped his face, noticing he was sweating.
"Okay." Brian barely audibly mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Brian nodded.
"Yeah, It was just a nightmare." He could still hear the voices taunting him from his dream. A chill went down his spine causing him to slightly jerk. Only a matter of time and they would be back in England.

The truck didn't take long before it stopped; Freddie stood up.

"Ow, Freddie, that's my fin." Roger kind of whispered.

"Sorry, darling." Freddie moved in the dark to the other side of the truck. He leaned against the side waiting for them to open the big doors. When they opened, it was bright out. The back was facing a big loading door of a building. Prenter stood on the platform as the truck back up some more. Two of Prenter's men enter the back of the truck. The one grabbing Freddie and other grabbing Roger.

"Welcome Boys, to the British Museum where tonight, my unveiling of you will be held." He booped Roger's nose, gaining a growl in response. He began to walk, leading them to his destination. They were taken to a dark room where a tall, glass tank of water almost glowed blue in the center of the room. Roger was placed into the tank, this time the water was purely saltwater. His hair flowed around his face as the lid to the top of the tank was shut. He glared at the mustached man while the evil man grinned as he left the room. Freddie was led away too, leaving Roger all alone.

"How many others are there?" Prenter calmly asked as Freddie was forced to sit down.

"Enough to rip you to pieces." Freddie spat. Prenter was not very happy with the answer.

"Fine then, answer me this. How are you human?" He asked slyly. Freddie decided to play dumb.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Prenter didn't buy it and it was obvious.

"I'm not dumb, Freddie. I know you were a merman once. You and Roger were visiting. Don't you remember what Roger said at the restaurant?" Freddie thought back to the day.

"You might have, back in London that is. We're just coming to visit Brian and John. We were in a band all together once." The other three were shocked at how quick Roger came up with an explanation and a good one at that. Prenter scratched his face and thought.

"I could have sworn I saw you Friday night." Roger gulped, the memories hitting him hard.

"You couldn't have, I wasn't in town yet. I didn't arrive until the next morning." He gave a nervous laugh and smile.

"It wasn't just his words, it was his body language too. He was frantic, nervous. I knew he was hiding something. Both of you avoided eye contact with me so I assumed something had to be up. Then on the pier, when I broke the necklace, you both cried 'no.' I pieced the rest together. You were the one that dived underwater that night because I could see your face, weren't you? You have the same exact dark hair." Prenter placed his hands down on the table, staring down the brown-eyed man. He watching Freddie's body language like he had the blonde's. Freddie's breathing was fast and shallow. Freddie swallowed and his eyes flickered for eye contact.

"And if I was?" Freddie hissed, finally staring Paul back down. Prenter gave a smirk then leaned back.

"Ah, you were. I was right." Freddie raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say I was." Prenter gave a stifled chuckle.

"That doesn't matter. Like I told you, it's your body language that says it all. Now tell me," he finally took the seat across Freddie, "how are you human? You don't seem to have a necklace like Roger. How did you do it?"

"Dark magic." It's not like he could become a merman again so he didn't worry about telling him. "I gave up my tail and there's no reverse it. I did it to keep Rog safe from the likes of you. You are a pile of fucking trash. You are villainous and vile. Now go suck a dick. While you're at it, choke on it and die."

Freddie gave a big, venomous smile, watching Prenter slightly darken with anger.

"Take him back to the room. I have had enough with this bitch today." Paul jumped up from his seat and stormed out of the room.

Alone in the tank, Roger let his falsettos echo around. The sound of a siren, positive to lure anyone into a trap. He was bored and missing Brian. He wondered if he was coming for him and was thinking about him too.
On the other side of London, in a hotel, Brian laid on his bed. He was resting from the plane trip while John and Miami were out. He could only hear the Roger from his dream calling out for him. He could only hear the criticism and terrifying words once said to him in the past. Before he knew it, he drifted off the sleep, entering the dream world once again.

It was dark again and this time, the voice that called out was teasing and mocking, causing a pit to grow in his chest.
"Oh, Brian..." When a light turned on, he wished he could have woke up. Chrissie...
She motioned for him to come closer. His heart pounding and his tears welled up. He walked towards her, now standing right in from of him.
Her expression was sly and almost sinister.
"I hope you realize, I never loved you. I've found a new love and will be very happy with him. As for you... You'll never get your precious Roger back. You will never find love or be happy ever AGAIN!" While her evil words, she pushed him. He fell back and started falling. He never hit the ground, just watched as the woman he once loved grew smaller. He was surrounded by darkness again as he fell endlessly.

"Brian!" This time it was John's voice and he realized it was John trying to wake him again. Like earlier, he was sweating but cold. He couldn't help but break down in tears. His Chrissie was never mean like that but it didn't matter. Her words stung.

"Shush, it's okay Brian. Everything is going to be alright." John held on to the taller man and just rocked him back and forth.

"We're got to get them back. Tonight." Brian sobbed.

I just realized that I spelled Chrissie's name wrong the last time I mentioned her and now I feel so stupid. I'm going to fix it. I fixed it.
Now I can not beat myself up about it.
Also I sent a letter to Joe and I'm so nervous and excited for him to get it!🥺😰

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