Chapter 5

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This chapter is a roller coaster ride so bare with me. Anyways, enjoy!
Roger's POV
The time had come for Freddie and I to head out.
Mina had told us a lot of what was to be expected tonight. The main thing was something called fireworks. She said that they are absolutely magnificent. I can't wait to experience them for myself.

"Thank you Mina so much." Her face was lit up with a smile as Freddie thanked her.
"You know you are always welcome. Be careful you two. Watch out for any danger." We took her words in and nodded.
"We will. We'll see you later Mina." We waved goodbye and began to swim off, being sure to not be seen.
Freddie hummed on the way, Probably something he came up with. Freddie had a knack for writing songs and had a powerful singing voice. It was always filled with such energy.

He won't admit it, but he's entirely jealous of my high falsetto. My falsetto makes me sound like a girl while my singing voice is just rough and gravely.

"Aren't you excited, Rog Darling?" Freddie has stopped and rotated, facing me fully.

"Yeah, I am. I'm kinda nervous, to be honest. We've only ever been up to the surface for sunsets." We've never seen humans so close either. This was going to be extravagant.

Brian's POV

"It's almost 10:00. Ready for fireworks and crab hunting?" I nodded, my mouth full as I snacked on pretzels and hummus.

John stood up from the couch and when out onto the patio. I could hear the music down from the beach. I think it was Crazy Train playing. I put up the rest of my snack and joined John outside.

The night, ocean breeze felt great. Warmer than inside the freezing house but still was a bit nippy. We watched as the lights flash across the beach and people ran along with glow sticks.

"Prenter's out there tonight, isn't he?" John questioned, looking out at the horizon.

"Yep, I hope by the time he leaves this place, he'll leave empty-handed and have it ruin his ego." John breathed out a laugh and shook his head.
"Of course you'd say something like that."

"You know I would."

I began to laugh with him. We have our ups and downs but no one knows me like he does.

Yeah, he knows you so well, he wrote a diss track about you.

shut up brain.....

Before long, the first firework rocketed up into the sky.

Roger's POV

When Freddie and I made it to the surface. We were greeted with I had never heard anything like it in my life. It was strangely good.

Lights moved around on the shore and people's laughter could be heard.

Within a few minutes, something shot up into the shot. Then, it exploded into multiple colors. I was shocked by the loud bang, but it was amazing!

Freddie looked so joyful but at the same time, looked like he was going to cry.

We stared in awe as more, shot up into the sky. It was such an array of colors. Two specific ones looked like a smiley face and a heart.

"This is so amazing!" Freddie excitedly shook me back and forth. He was so right. This has had to be the most spectacular thing I'd ever experienced. Nothing was going to ruin it...., but I had spoken too soon.

While the fireworks were exploding in the sky, a boat had snuck up. Spotlights cascaded down onto us. Freddie was the first to drive under. I had a late reaction but was soon to follow.

The next thing I knew, something pierced my tail. I screamed out in agonizing pain.

"Roger!" I heard Freddie yell out for me.

"No! Stay back, Fred!" He listened but it was killing him. Blood began to surround the water around me. I looked down at my tail, found what had ensnared me. It was a harpoon.

The harpoon was logged well but I had to get it out. The rope it was attached began to tug. I had to be quick. I wrapped my fingers around the metal bar and tried to pull. I cried out, unsuccessful the first try. I took a deep breath and counted to 3.




With a fast yank, I tore it out. I screamed out worse than before. The pain was excruciating. It tore a chuck out as well.

I tried to get away from the boat after that, but it was quick to ram into me, knocking me out cold.

Freddie's POV
I panicked. I watched as Roger went out and I couldn't do anything to help. If I tried, it was highly likely the same thing would happen to me. I watched as his body drifted under the boat. I swam deeper out of close range and kept an eye on Roger.
The boat was still looking, lights moving around on the surface. The water surrounding the boat was foggy with blood. I prayed to whatever gods out there that Roger would be alright.

I had to do something. Then a thought hit me. It was stupid and not the smartest. I had to do it.
Right before we left, Mina gave me a small knife for somewhat protection. I knew if I did this, it could lead the boat away. It would mean I'd lose sight of Roger but I had to.
I unsheathed the thing and hesitated for a second. I gritted my teeth and sliced. I made a pretty well-sided cut in my tail, blood flowing out of it quickly. It hurt like hell, but it was for Roger.
I painfully swam a little closer to the surface, letting my own blood seep to the top. I watch as more lights pointed in my direction.
I had to lead them away. I made sure my blood was seen and began to swim. My blood trailed behind me. I had known now they had seen it because the boat had begun to come after me.

I was quicker than the boat but that didn't mean a harpoon or net couldn't get me. I had to take them far away as I could.

For years, I had believed humans were good. Maybe I was wrong...

I began to feel dizzy from my loss of blood but I pushed on.

I took the boat a mile out away from Roger. I swam deeper to get away. I found some seaweed and wrapped it around the gash in my tail.

The light of the boat was faint to be seen from my depth. Hopefully, they wouldn't go back. I mustered up some strength and swam back to the last place I had seen Roger.

He wasn't there anymore, the current must have taken him. That would mean... it pulled him to the shore.

I speed my way to the shallow waters to look for him. No one was longer on the beach. It was empty and the lights were gone. I swam closer and something caught my eye. Finally, I had found him.

The waves crashed up against Roger as his body laid on the sandy shore. I pulled myself up to him and checked his pulse. It was faint and his breathing was slow.

"Roger. Roger. Roger!" No response.

What am I going to do?

My eyes began to well up. I should have been more careful. I shouldn't have even brought us up here.

Out of the corner of my eye, I began to see lights. I could hear laughing and watched as one of the humans pushed the other in the water.

They were coming our way and I didn't have the strength to get Roger away.

Another thought hit me: the necklace around my neck. Mina had given it to me when I was a child; she told me it was magically and would protect me from anything. I never told anyone because she said if anyone found out about it, they would come for it. It was ancient and if it fell into the wrong hands, we could be done for.

I removed it from my neck and managed to get around Roger's. As it rested on Roger's chest, the stone let out a dim green glow. It had to work. They were getting closer and I knew I had to hide. I jumped back into the water and made a little distance. Hopefully, these humans could help.
I told you it was going to be a roller coaster ride😂
I'm going to try and come up with a schedule for posting chapters to help me. I've been meaning to do it when I started posting chapters. I'll have it figured out soon.
Thank you for reading! ☺️
I hope my writing is good enough.😂

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