Chapter 10

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     I apologize if this chapter is really sappy. I feel like it is. I tried to make it not that way.


"So let me get this straight, he was a merman almost caught by Prenter and is now human. Now you're trying to hide him from Prenter." Miami's face said a lot. It was mixed with confusion and concern.

"Yep, that's about right."

"I don't know whether to believe you or not. You could just be messing with me but I know you'd never be one to do that." Roger rolled his eyes and untuck the necklace. Without taking it off of course.

"If you don't believe him then this will help." Roger pulled the necklace into Miami's view and it let out a flicker of light. Miami gasped, staring in awe at the jewel.

"See I'm telling truth. I've been meaning to tell you. I apologize. Any advice I could have to keep him safe?" Miami looked at the younger boy and see the fear written all over his face.
"Just keep him out of Prenter's sight. He didn't see you that night, did he? If he did and asks, just say that you're just neighboring from England. Come up with some story. That's all I can really say to do. Also about finding you a way back, I have no clue about your world. Up here, there's no such thing as real magic so I'm afraid I can't help you there." He gave them both an apologetic look.
"Thank you for all your help." Roger gave a sad but genuine smile to the older man.
"Yes thank you, Jim. Now we'd best be getting back, it's about to storm. See ya around." They turned to leave but Miami stopped them.
"Oh and Brian, you and John have the next two weeks off until you can sort this out. I'll figure things out here. I'll continue to pay you as well."
Brian was giddy and wasn't hiding it at all.
"THANK YOU MIAMI!" It has just started to thunder so once again Brian grabbed Roger's hand and was dragging him down the beach. It wasn't long before the rain began to pour down. The two laughed and screamed as they got soaked. Lightning flashed across the sky in distant and Brian hoped that it wouldn't get them.
They ran up the hill to the house and through the door, they went.
"That was fun."
"It was." They both giggled, catching their breath. Then they saw the view in from of them. Freddie was in John's lap and was trying to fumble off of it.
"H-hey, g-guys. Have fun?" Freddie asked falling on the couch next to John.
"Were you two...making out?" Brian wanted to laugh at the two and how nervous they look but held it in.
"Nope." John was sweating and Freddie was as red as a lobster. Brian and Roger both raised an eyebrow. They soon pulled an answer out of them.
"Fine yes, we were. Happy? Now go dry off, you're getting the floor wet." John averted his gaze as he spoke. Brian and Roger were both now holding their laughs and they walked down the hall.
"Did you see the look in his face?"
"I know right! Ha!"
"STOP GOSSIPING LIKE TWO TEENAGE SCHOOL GIRLS!!" John's scream just made them laugh more. They hurried into Brian's room and basically died.
Brian dug through his drawers and found some more clothes for Roger and himself.
He gave Roger a pair of grey sweats and a light blue t-shirt that read "Aeropostale" while he changed into light Jeans and a plain black t-shirt. He also grabbed some dry boxers.
"Here you change in here and I'll change in my closet because I'll end of dying laughing at them again. I need time to calm down." He stifled his laughter as he spoke and hopped into his closet.
Roger undressed and was quick to change.

Wow, quicker than last time. That's a new record! Yes!
Brian's clothes were bigger on his small frame but he felt secure in them.
Within the next minute, Brian came out of the closet. (I'm sorry I had too)
"Coming out of the closet, are we?" Roger chuckled.
"Hush, I just stopped laughing!" Brian smiled, walking back over to his dresser.
"Socks?" He held out a pair to Roger, who graciously took them.
"Thank you, Brimi!" Brian let out a sigh and search through his drawer for a pair of socks for himself.
"John teach you that nickname?"
"Of course he did."

While Brian and Roger left for their walk, Freddie chowed down on the fish Deaky prepared for him.
"Thank you, John. That was stupendous!"
"You're welcome. Would you like to come back in here and sit?" John gestured to the living room.
"Yeah let's!" Freddie bounded back to the couch and flopped down. John sat down to his right and grabbed the tv remote. He flipped through channels until he settled on things. They soon drowned out the tv by starting to talk. They began talking to each other about their lives until the next John knew, Freddie was in his lap. He didn't protest when Freddie crashed his lips on his. It was strong and passionate for two people that had just met. The patio door was soon to slide up as Brian as Roger ran in.

It had been too late though, they had already been spotted. Freddie fell back next to him on the couch and nervously greeted the two. John didn't rather enjoy the confrontation from Brian, especially being laughed at while the two made their way down the hall.
"Just ignore them, John." Freddie giggled, "They're just being immature."
"Still, they shouldn't-" He was cut off when Freddie kissed his cheek, ending his rant.
"Now come on, let's get ready. You said we could go shopping. I'll get Roger and Brian." Freddie left the auburn on the couch and sauntered off down the hall.

I know this was a short chapter but I didn't have anything else to write for it.

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